14 thousand delivery drivers will take the test to complete secondary education

Second edition of the My High School Diploma program, from iFood, triples the number of delivery people who will take Encceja

Fulfilling a dream is often a matter of time. And opportunity. For those who want to complete their studies, the time is now – or better yet, in 19 days. August 27th is the date of Encceja (National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults), which gives the right to a secondary school completion certificate.

iFood supports this stage of the delivery drivers' education journey through My High School Diploma, with full scholarships for the preparatory course for Encceja, in partnership with the platform Finish your studies.

In this second edition of My High School Diploma, the number of delivery people who signed up to take the Encceja test broke a record: 14,546 people — almost triple the number of people registered in 2022.

This means that the total number of delivery people registered with Encceja corresponds to 1,32% of the number of people registered across the country in 2023, according to Inep (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira).

Rapper summons delivery drivers for the test

Rapper Edi Rock joined the initiative and recorded a video to reinforce the importance of doing Encceja: “Education is the key to a better future”.

Edi also remembers that every delivery man or woman who shows up to take the test will receive a cost allowance of R$ 60 from iFood.

Last year, in the first edition of My High School Diploma, 5,314 delivery people signed up to win a scholarship. Of this total, 950 passed the test.

How a high school diploma changed the lives of delivery drivers

And what do these guys have to tell about the experience? “With the lack of study, we don’t have professional or personal growth,” said delivery woman Gabriele Santos. “I want to try to create a better life for myself and my children, to be an example for them.”

“Today, without studies, we cannot get any job. I want to complete college and aim for bigger plans in my life” (Carlos Edenir)

Delivery driver Kerolainy Lourenço highlighted that obtaining the diploma is a personal achievement and also for her children. “I'm going to continue studying, it's 'university' now”, he added.

“Guys, find some time, sleep a little later, wake up a little earlier, but go study. It’s really worth it, it opens many doors” (Kerolainy Lourenço)

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