iFood signs TAC and will invest in research

Company signs agreement with Federal Public and Labor Ministries and reaffirms commitment to transparency and the right to demonstrate

On July 7th, iFood signed a Conduct Adjustment Term – TAC – with the Federal Public Ministry and the Public Ministry of Labor. This agreement ends investigations into alleged infractions committed by the Benjamim agencies (supplier of iFood) and Social QI in 2020 against freedom of association, the right to strike for delivery drivers and the right to information.

The company reinforces that it did not commit any of the conduct investigated and clarifies that the agreement was reached together with Benjamim and Social QI to avoid a legal discussion that would result in a long and exhausting process for all parties involved.

“We celebrate the agreement because the obligations assumed by iFood in the TAC are aligned with our values and principles, in particular the promotion of an environment of greater transparency on social networks, respect for the right of expression and association of delivery people and investment in research that collaborate with the sustainable development of the country”, explains Lucas Pittioni, legal director of iFood.

In addition to closing the investigation, the TAC foresees a series of initiatives that are divided between the following axes: publicity for the TAC and campaign in favor of the right to information; commitment to guarantee the right to freedom of association, demonstration and strike; investment in research and improvement of internal policies. All of these initiatives are being fully implemented by the company, with accountability on its institutional website.

Below, we list the actions carried out to date. Every month, always on the 8th, this list will be updated. Check out.


Update January 2024

  • 22/12/2023: contracting of the consultancy GEMA + Wallbrook finalized.


Update December 2023
No updates.


Update November 2023

  • 24/10/2023: return from the MPF with the choice of one of the technical assistants proposed by iFood. We will begin conversations to negotiate the contract. And we await feedback from the Public Prosecutor's Office regarding other obligations.


Update October 2023
No updates.


Updates September 2023

  • 10/07/2023: publication of the Public Declaration and availability of the full TAC on the official iFood website;
  • 16/07/2023: publication of the Public Declaration on the Folha de S.Paulo website;
  • 07/18/2023 to 08/05/2023: publication on alternate days, for three consecutive weeks, of the Public Declaration on three digital platforms: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter;
  • 18/08/2023: appointment to the Federal Public Ministry of three technical assistants with notable knowledge of human rights;
  • 06/09/2023: presentation of the digital marketing campaign proposal to the MPF and MPT.

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