iFood Labs

Your dream can fuel the future of the world

Connect to our open innovation ecosystem

Startups, entrepreneurs and universities thirsty for innovation, it's time to embark on a transformative journey with iFoodLabs, iFood's innovation hub. Join us, share your pitch deck or proposal and let's develop innovative solutions together!

The future of payment methods

Is your startup also keeping an eye on trends in payment methods in Brazil? If you are interested in this topic, come talk to iFood!

Fostering innovation is an iFood delivery

iFood Labs is the hub responsible for connecting iFood to the innovation ecosystem to test, co-develop and invest in new solutions that fuel the future of the world with iFood.


number of connections to the ecosystem


testing with startups


business generated



Pillars linked to our business

Generative AI

Generative AI is revolutionizing the world of technology! We look for innovative startups in this segment to create incredible solutions and shape the future. Join us on this journey!


We are always keeping an eye on trends in this market. We want to explore new business models and technology that can reduce the cost of food for the end customer.


We seek initiatives that focus on cost optimization, new delivery modes and better management of our last mile fleet.

SaaS for restaurants

Restaurants are constantly reinventing themselves and we want to help them become more efficient in their areas of operation.


We want to provide our customers with an even more personalized experience in their operation, creating tools for inside or outside the salon.

iFood News

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