Sustainability - Governance

Generate trust with transparency


Our corporate governance is present in our policies, not only to assess and reduce risks but also to reinforce our commitment to FoodLovers, delivery people, partner establishments and consumers.

We promote transparency by disclosing results and providing accountability. In the sphere of corporate responsibility, we prioritize data protection and the security of personal information in the app.

As a company that uses artificial intelligence models to be more efficient and improve the delivery experience, iFood has an artificial intelligence (AI) governance program to ensure that models are designed and applied in an ethical and responsible manner.

Governance Initiatives

Discover our Governance initiatives

Transparency and Sustainability Reports

We publish reports periodically to show our results and progress in the socio-environmental areas and how the resources we receive in donations made through the app are applied. We increasingly want to increase our transparency.

Code of Ethics and Conduct

The Food Lovers Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Third Party Code of Ethics and Conduct are part of good governance practices within iFood.

Integrity Program

It encompasses pillars such as compliance, risk assessment and third-party management to prevent, detect and remedy actions that may interfere with the values and principles of our Code of Ethics and Conduct, protecting our business and our value chain.

Integrity Channel

It is a safe space where anyone can anonymously report conduct that is not ethical, transparent, fair or in disagreement with current internal regulations and legislation.

Data security

We carefully follow the standards established by personal data protection legislation, such as the General Data Protection Law, the Marco Civil da Internet and sectoral standards for the protection of privacy and personal data.

Privacy Portal

The Privacy Portal aims to provide more transparency about the company's commitment to privacy.

Corporate sustainability and materiality

We identify the most relevant aspects for managing and reporting corporate sustainability to our stakeholders. We developed a materiality matrix with the consultancy Beon ESG with 11 themes that will guide our ESG strategies.

Policy against Discrimination and Violence

To promote an ethical, safe and respectful environment, iFood created a policy that brings equitable commitments and rules in relation to combating any act of discrimination and violence for all audiences that interact with the platform (delivery drivers, customers, stores, logistics operators and franchisees).

Strategic differences: innovation and AI

We believe that the development of proprietary technology and the innovation present in the culture of the entire company are fundamental to a revolution that helps customers, partners, entrepreneurs and the entire ecosystem to grow and prosper. We invest so that the development of both is agile, decentralized and ethical.

iFood News - Governance

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