Policy to Combat Discrimination and Violence


iFood is committed to creating and maintaining an ethical, safe and free environment from any form of rights violation. We are very dedicated to promoting an environment where each interaction is a special ingredient for a fairer and more welcoming world.

Zero tolerance to discrimination

We do not accept any act of discrimination or prejudice, whether against End Customers, Restaurants, employees, society and especially against the Delivery Persons on our platform.

Everyone's responsibility

Each member of our ecosystem has a duty to combat prejudice and discrimination, promoting an environment of respect and integrity.

Commitment to Respect and Equality

We hope that everyone involved with iFood encourages our commitment to fueling a fairer and more respectful future for all people.

Adherence to the Code of Ethics and Conduct

O Third Party Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Respect and Equality Booklet must be respected by all people related to iFood.

Implementation of the Integrity and Security Policy

This Policy reinforces our commitment to a safe and respectful environment, promoting the principles and Conduct expected of each agent in our ecosystem:

1. What we do not accept

We believe that all people should be respected and need to feel safe. Therefore, it is essential to act correctly, and not remain silent when something wrong is happening. We do not tolerate non-compliance with the ethical commitments of this Policy, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the Respect and Equality Booklet, legislation and other regulations.

Are you in doubt? Check out some examples of what cannot happen on iFood:

Sexual abuse

Acting based on your relationship of power, affection or trust, forcing children and/or adolescents to perform erotic or sexual acts for which they are unable to discern, consent or resist.

Physical aggression or bodily harm

Offending the bodily integrity or health of another person.

Verbal abuse

Occasional, frequent or continuous episodes of aggressive behavior with words, threatening, ridiculing, humiliating and manipulating the victim.

How we deal with verbal aggression

Attention to Each Case

We know that words have impact and that each situation is unique. Therefore, we analyze each case of verbal aggression with great care and attention to detail.


Intimidate and/or embarrass someone, by word, writing or gesture, or any other symbolic means, to cause them unfair and serious harm.

Sexual harassment

Embarrassing someone with the intention of obtaining sexual advantage or favoritism, taking advantage of the agent's status as hierarchical superior or ancestry inherent to the exercise of employment, position or function.


Discriminate against people with disabilities.

Balanced Decisions

We understand that it is not always easy to judge situations of verbal aggression. To be fair, we take into account the frequency and history of reports before making any decisions.


Having offensive, disrespectful behavior directed at people or social groups that belong to the lower classes.

Dangerous driving

Driving a car and/or motorcycle that puts other people's lives at risk.


Acting in a prejudiced way towards a person or group of people.


Embarrass the victim through violence or serious threat, to have sexual intercourse or to perform any other libidinous act.


Being prejudiced against people because of their age.


Kill someone.


Taking something from someone for yourself or someone else.


Discriminate against fat people.

Male chauvinism

Having attitudes/conduct based on the assumption that women are inferior to men.

Carrying weapons and/or dangerous materials

Carry firearms


Differentiate, exclude and/or restrict a person based on their race.


Taking something from someone for yourself or another person, through serious threat or violence to the person.


Retaining or taking someone with you illegally, usually asking for money.

Child labor

Work carried out by children and adolescents below the minimum permitted age.

Drug trafficking/consumption

Selling, producing, or storing drugs and/or possessing drugs for personal use


Being prejudiced against people who do not identify with their biological gender (transsexuals/transgenders).


Having discriminatory attitudes and/or hate speech towards foreign people.

2. We Nurture Right Behaviors

To prevent these things from happening, we will promote content that reinforces the rules of this Policy and also promotes awareness of how to act in certain situations and what conduct to adopt. Therefore, we hope that everyone knows and understands our rules and values and that we can, together, promote change in our society.

3. Know what to do if the rules are broken

We hope this doesn't happen, but in the event of a violation of our rules, we will be ready to act. If you are a victim or witness something wrong, It's important that you report it! Here is how you can do this:

Reporting Unwanted Behavior

Confidential and Secure

For all

Your report is treated with complete confidentiality!

When noticing or suspecting something illegal, unethical or discriminatory, anyone can and should report it. Even Stores can report illegal or irregular acts carried out by an employee, collaborator, representative or partners.

What not to do

False Reports

Making an unfounded complaint, out of revenge or to harm someone is a crime and can have serious consequences (art. 340 of the Penal Code: prison sentence of one to six months, or a fine).

4. Understanding penalties

We have specific procedures for dealing with rule violations:

How we deal with verbal aggression

For delivery people

With Two Tests

(one of them being the Police Report)

For End Customers

With Two Tests

(one of them being the Police Report)

Specific cases

Verbal Aggression

If there are three reports in three months, the account is deactivated if there is two convincing pieces of evidence or one irrefutable piece of evidence.

Irrefutable evidence

If the Evidence is irrefutable, the account may be deactivated immediately, even if only 1 (one) Evidence has been sent.

Important Aspects

Detailed Analysis for Fair Decisions

We have specific procedures for dealing with rule violations:

Victim Safety

We will apply punishments quickly, but not immediately to ensure the safety of the victim and/or the person who made the report.


In favor of the active and urgent combat against violence suffered by Delivery Men and Women, iFood in partnership with Black Sisters in Law created a Psychological and Legal Support Center to guarantee free assistance in case of discrimination, physical aggression, threat or sexual violence during the exercise of their profession. To be entitled to assistance, the Delivery Man must report it within the Application, as explained above. Find out more about the initiative at: Legal and Psychological Support Center for delivery drivers

Victim's Rights

A Victim You can and should seek your rights in court.

Education and Training

In addition to the Penalties, or instead of them, we may ask those involved to participate and/or apply training provided by iFood.

5. Records and controls

We maintain a detailed record of all reports and Penalties, including complete information about the aggressors, whether they are Deliverers, End Customers, Stores or Logistics Operators and franchisees.

Use of the Registry for Penalties

Prohibition of Fraudulent Registrations

Deleting Old Records

These records are essential to apply Penalties fairly, taking into account cases of recurrence.

Providing false information to create misleading records is strictly prohibited. In these cases, the same Penalties.

If an offender commits no further offenses for 12 months, records of their Penalties previous ones are deleted.

6. Our dictionary

Did you notice some words written here with the first letter capitalized? Check their meanings for this Policy:


Any person who commits an offense capable of causing physical, emotional and/or property damage to another person.

iFood App for Deliverers

platform developed by iFood so that delivery men and women can register to make deliveries.

End Customers

Users who registered on the iFood platform to place orders in restaurants, markets, pharmacies and pet shops.


Behavior adopted by a specific person towards another, which may violate the law and/or iFood Policies.

Delivery men or women

natural or legal person who registers with the iFood app for Deliverers and makes deliveries using motorbikes, bicycles, cars, among others that are available at the time of registration.


Everything that can be used to demonstrate the facts, such as: police reports, videos, photos, audios, prints, witnesses, documents, and others.

Order Manager

Software, developed by iFood, for Stores to receive orders from end Customers.

Minority or minoritized groups

Groups that, for historical and social reasons, face barriers to occupy decision-making and power spaces, such as companies, politics and academia, with little or no representation. It is important to know that minority groups can be quantitative majorities, as is the case of women and black people in Brazil, for example.


Virtual store with which iFood has an intermediary contract for the sale of food items (restaurants or markets), medicines and items for pets.

Logistics Operator / EntreGô Franchisee

Companies specialized in delivery activities with whom iFood has an intermediation contract for delivery services for orders placed on the iFood platform by End Customers.

Partner Portal

Platform (websites and/or mobile applications) developed by iFood to manage the Store. On the platform, Stores can publish and manage information about their menu, registration and operational data, and obtain sales reports and evaluations from end Customers.


Application of an administrative and/or contractual penalty, which may vary according to the severity of the specific person's action, in addition to legal measures that can be promoted by the parties involved.


Tag added to the profile of the person reported for the recurrence of certain behavior.


One who can be identified but is not End customer, Delivery Man or Delivery Company, Stores or Logistics Operator

Conduct adjustment Term

Document that can be signed by the parties involved in a mediation. This document defines obligations, responsibilities, and the term of the agreement.


Natural person who has suffered physical, emotional and/or property damage to themselves or their property, caused directly by the commission of a crime, criminal misdemeanor, or serious violations of rights;

Policy to Combat Discrimination and Violence


iFood is committed to creating and maintaining an ethical, safe and free environment from any form of rights violation. We are very dedicated to promoting an environment where each interaction is a special ingredient for a fairer and more welcoming world.

Zero tolerance to discrimination

We do not accept any act of discrimination or prejudice, whether against End Customers, Restaurants, employees, society and especially against the Delivery Persons on our platform.

Everyone's responsibility

Each member of our ecosystem has a duty to combat prejudice and discrimination, promoting an environment of respect and integrity.

Commitment to Respect and Equality

We hope that everyone involved with iFood encourages our commitment to fueling a fairer and more respectful future for all people.

Adherence to the Code of Ethics and Conduct

O Third Party Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Respect and Equality Booklet must be respected by all people related to iFood.

Implementation of the Integrity and Security Policy

This Policy reinforces our commitment to a safe and respectful environment, promoting the principles and Conduct expected of each agent in our ecosystem:

1. What we do not accept

We believe that all people should be respected and need to feel safe. Therefore, it is essential to act correctly, and not remain silent when something wrong is happening. We do not tolerate non-compliance with the ethical commitments of this Policy, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the Respect and Equality Booklet, legislation and other regulations.

Are you in doubt? Check out some examples of what cannot happen on iFood:

Sexual abuse

Acting based on your relationship of power, affection or trust, forcing children and/or adolescents to perform erotic or sexual acts for which they are unable to discern, consent or resist.

Physical aggression or bodily harm

Offending the bodily integrity or health of another person.

Verbal abuse

Occasional, frequent or continuous episodes of aggressive behavior with words, threatening, ridiculing, humiliating and manipulating the victim.

How we deal with verbal aggression

Attention to Each Case

We know that words have impact and that each situation is unique. Therefore, we analyze each case of verbal aggression with great care and attention to detail.

Balanced Decisions

We understand that it is not always easy to judge situations of verbal aggression. To be fair, we take into account the frequency and history of reports before making any decisions.


Intimidate and/or embarrass someone, by word, writing or gesture, or any other symbolic means, to cause them unfair and serious harm.

Sexual harassment

Embarrassing someone with the intention of obtaining sexual advantage or favoritism, taking advantage of the agent's status as hierarchical superior or ancestry inherent to the exercise of employment, position or function.


Discriminate against people with disabilities.


Having offensive, disrespectful behavior directed at people or social groups that belong to the lower classes.

Dangerous driving

Driving a car and/or motorcycle that puts other people's lives at risk.


Acting in a prejudiced way towards a person or group of people.


Embarrass the victim through violence or serious threat, to have sexual intercourse or to perform any other libidinous act.


Being prejudiced against people because of their age.


Kill someone.


Taking something from someone for yourself or someone else.


Discriminate against fat people.

Male chauvinism

Having attitudes/conduct based on the assumption that women are inferior to men.

Carrying weapons and/or dangerous materials

Carry firearms


Differentiate, exclude and/or restrict a person based on their race.


Taking something from someone for yourself or another person, through serious threat or violence to the person.


Retaining or taking someone with you illegally, usually asking for money.

Child labor

Work carried out by children and adolescents below the minimum permitted age.

Drug trafficking/consumption

Selling, producing, or storing drugs and/or possessing drugs for personal use


Being prejudiced against people who do not identify with their biological gender (transsexuals/transgenders).


Having discriminatory attitudes and/or hate speech towards foreign people.

2. We Nurture Right Behaviors

To prevent these things from happening, we will promote content that reinforces the rules of this Policy and also promotes awareness of how to act in certain situations and what conduct to adopt. Therefore, we hope that everyone knows and understands our rules and values and that we can, together, promote change in our society.

3. Know what to do if the rules are broken

We hope this doesn't happen, but in the event of a violation of our rules, we will be ready to act. If you are a victim or witness something wrong, It's important that you report it! Here is how you can do this:

Reporting Unwanted Behavior

Confidential and Secure

Your report is treated with complete confidentiality!

For all

When noticing or suspecting something illegal, unethical or discriminatory, anyone can and should report it. Even Stores can report illegal or irregular acts carried out by an employee, collaborator, representative or partners.

What not to do

False Reports

Making an unfounded complaint, out of revenge or to harm someone is a crime and can have serious consequences (art. 340 of the Penal Code: prison sentence of one to six months, or a fine).

4. Understanding penalties

We have specific procedures for dealing with rule violations:

How we deal with verbal aggression

For delivery people

With Two Tests

(one of them being the Police Report)

For End Customers

With Two Tests

(one of them being the Police Report)

Specific cases

Verbal Aggression

If there are three reports in three months, the account is deactivated if there is two convincing pieces of evidence or one irrefutable piece of evidence.

Irrefutable evidence

If the Evidence is irrefutable, the account may be deactivated immediately, even if only 1 (one) Evidence has been sent.

Important Aspects

Detailed Analysis for Fair Decisions

We have specific procedures for dealing with rule violations:

Victim Safety

We will apply punishments quickly, but not immediately to ensure the safety of the victim and/or the person who made the report.


In favor of the active and urgent combat against violence suffered by Delivery Men and Women, iFood in partnership with Black Sisters in Law created a Psychological and Legal Support Center to guarantee free assistance in case of discrimination, physical aggression, threat or sexual violence during the exercise of their profession. To be entitled to assistance, the Delivery Man must report it within the Application, as explained above. Find out more about the initiative at: Legal and Psychological Support Center for delivery drivers

Victim's Rights

A Victim You can and should seek your rights in court.

Education and Training

In addition to the Penalties, or instead of them, we may ask those involved to participate and/or apply training provided by iFood.

5. Records and controls

We maintain a detailed record of all reports and Penalties, including complete information about the aggressors, whether they are Deliverers, End Customers, Stores or Logistics Operators and franchisees.

Deleting Old Records

These records are essential to apply Penalties fairly, taking into account cases of recurrence.

Prohibition of Fraudulent Registrations

Providing false information to create misleading records is strictly prohibited. In these cases, the same Penalties.

Use of the Registry for Penalties

If an offender commits no further offenses for 12 months, records of their Penalties previous ones are deleted.

6. Our dictionary

Did you notice some words written here with the first letter capitalized? Check their meanings for this Policy:


Any person who commits an offense capable of causing physical, emotional and/or property damage to another person.

iFood App for Deliverers

platform developed by iFood so that delivery men and women can register to make deliveries.

End Customers

Users who registered on the iFood platform to place orders in restaurants, markets, pharmacies and pet shops.


Behavior adopted by a specific person towards another, which may violate the law and/or iFood Policies.

Delivery men or women

natural or legal person who registers with the iFood app for Deliverers and makes deliveries using motorbikes, bicycles, cars, among others that are available at the time of registration.


Everything that can be used to demonstrate the facts, such as: police reports, videos, photos, audios, prints, witnesses, documents, and others.

Order Manager

Software, developed by iFood, for Stores to receive orders from end Customers.

Minority or minoritized groups

Groups that, for historical and social reasons, face barriers to occupy decision-making and power spaces, such as companies, politics and academia, with little or no representation. It is important to know that minority groups can be quantitative majorities, as is the case of women and black people in Brazil, for example.


Virtual store with which iFood has an intermediary contract for the sale of food items (restaurants or markets), medicines and items for pets.

Logistics Operator / EntreGô Franchisee

Companies specialized in delivery activities with whom iFood has an intermediation contract for delivery services for orders placed on the iFood platform by End Customers.

Partner Portal

Platform (websites and/or mobile applications) developed by iFood to manage the Store. On the platform, Stores can publish and manage information about their menu, registration and operational data, and obtain sales reports and evaluations from end Customers.


Application of an administrative and/or contractual penalty, which may vary according to the severity of the specific person's action, in addition to legal measures that can be promoted by the parties involved.


Tag added to the profile of the person reported for the recurrence of certain behavior.


One who can be identified but is not End customer, Delivery Man or Delivery Company, Stores or Logistics Operator

Conduct adjustment Term

Document that can be signed by the parties involved in a mediation. This document defines obligations, responsibilities, and the term of the agreement.


Natural person who has suffered physical, emotional and/or property damage to themselves or their property, caused directly by the commission of a crime, criminal misdemeanor, or serious violations of rights;