Sustainability - Social

Our purpose is to power the future of the world
We absolutely believe in our purpose of Feeding the Future of the World and recognize our responsibility to promote significant transformations in society. To achieve this, it is essential that we understand our impacts and our potential to change environmental reality and socioeconomic inequalities, boosting prosperity and well-being for people.

Goals until 2025


iFood embraced the cause of education because it believes that this is the best way to build a more prosperous and less unequal country and to prepare new talents for the future of work. Our goals are:

basic education

By 2025, iFood will encourage basic education, impacting 5 million people in up to 5 years, promoting STEAM and technology in public education networks.

Future of work

By 2025, train more than 5 million people for the work of the future and entrepreneurship.

Tech Talent

By 2025, iFood will train and employ 25 thousand people from underrepresented and low-income groups in technology.

Actions for Education

Awaken, train and employ more people in technology

Tech Power

Platform that offers, with partners, free courses, scholarships for technology training and a track focused on employability. Discover the initiatives.

Tech Marathon

This marathon brings together students and teachers from the public education system to spark interest and training in technology.

Tech Movement

iFood is the co-founder and maintainer of this coalition of companies that invest in the development of quality education in technology to build a more inclusive and sustainable market.

Goals until 2023

Diversity and Inclusion

Since September 2021, iFood has been a signatory to the Racial Equity Promotion Pact, an initiative of the Association for the Promotion of Racial Equity, in which NGOs and the black movement participate, as well as company leaders. By the end of 2023, we have a public commitment to achieve:


of women in leadership positions


of women in senior leadership positions


of black people in leadership positions


of black people on staff

Actions for Diversity and Inclusion

Plurality and collaboration are essential ingredients

Donation campaigns

Through our application, it is possible to provide immediate assistance to people in extremely vulnerable situations, as well as support short- to long-term projects, in partnership with NGOs that work to combat hunger and poverty, improve education and restore and care with the environment.

Affinity groups

iFood employees who are part of underrepresented groups can participate in Pólen committees (Empodera Elas, Orgulho Negro, LBGT+Amor, Corpo Livre and Sem Barreiras). These groups are responsible for developing projects related to education and engagement in iFood.

Social Impact

Our ecosystem impacts millions of Brazilians and we know our potential impact in acting to correct structural problems.

In a short time, we generated a positive impact on the economy, the environment and society.

After much learning, we were able to arrive at even more assertive directions: using the materiality matrix tool, we were able to map the main socio-environmental themes that best relate to our ecosystem and thus act even more effectively with the strategic direction of improving Conditions of Work and Safety of Delivery Drivers.

We do this based
across five pillars:

Physical and mental safety

Social protection

Valuation and respect

Fair earnings and pension protection

Education and representation

Social Impact Actions

Reducing inequalities for a better future

Racial equity

iFood Arrives Together

The fund will invest R$ 1 million in 25 projects that make a positive impact on the lives of delivery men and women in the areas of education, respect and well-being, health and safety.

iFood Believes

To encourage the growth of black entrepreneurs on the app, this acceleration program offers courses, consultancy and a special line of credit.

Social protection: Psychological and Legal Support Center

In partnership with black lawyers from Black Sisters in Law, the company offers legal and psychological support to delivery drivers who suffer discrimination and harassment in your work —a free service.


iFood Takes Off

This is our platform to bring education to delivery drivers, restaurants and stores, with more than 90 dynamic courses aligned with their needs.

My High School Diploma

iFood provides scholarships for delivery men and women to take the preparatory course for Encceja, the test that gives a certificate of secondary school completion.

iFood News - Social Impact

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