iFood Pedal shared bicycles arrive in Recife

The iFood Pedal bicycles, used to deliver more than 1 million orders, arrived in Recife: discover how iFood is investing in this sustainable mode.

Program has already delivered more than 1 million orders, avoiding the emission of 271 tons of CO2

O iFood Pedal, the first bicycle rental service exclusively for delivery people in the world, has just arrived in another capital: Recife (PE). JAvailable in São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Salvador (BA), Porto Alegre (RS) and Brasília (DF), the program's goal is now to make an additional 2,500 electric bikes available across the country by the end of 2022.

The expansion of iFood Pedal, which offers conventional and electric bicycles to delivery partners who adhere to the plan, is in line with the commitment to carry out at least 50% of deliveries using non-polluting vehicles by 2025.

The future of delivery is to use shared, electric and sustainable modes for large cities”, comments Fernando Martins, head of logistics at iFood. “The iFood Pedal is an example of how it is possible to do all this, improving the quality of life of delivery partners, as the electric bicycle is lighter and requires less effort.”

Since 2021, more than 1 million orders have been delivered by more than 13 thousand delivery people registered to use bikes shared on iFood Pedal, avoiding the emission of 271 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

In general, bike partners are selected when they are close to the restaurant and operate on the shortest routes, to optimize their earnings and travel time. The advantage of electric bicycles is the pedal assistance: the motor is activated when the bicycle is pedaled, without accelerator, making the bike lighter.

What iFood Pedal offers

In Recife, the new electric bikes will be located at Rua Bruno Veloso, 528, in Boa Viagem. There, delivery partners will receive protective and support equipment (such as helmet and bag), mask and alcohol gel. The place will be transformed into a support point with structure to offer water filters, bathrooms, tables, microwave, cell phone charging points and rest space.

Additionally, those who sign up for plans to use bicycles have free insurance against personal accidents and receives informative content on road safety, with guidelines for cycling safely in the city and learning about the rights and duties of cyclists. For now, membership to iFood Pedal is exempt from payment, so that more delivery people have access to the program.

Anyone who wants to join the plan must access the “iFood Pedal” section in the iFood for Delivery app. There, partners will find more details about the project and will be able to register and choose a plan.

iFood Pedal is a joint initiative between iFood and Tembici (leader in micromobility technology in Latin America). “With the pandemic, the demand for delivery grew exponentially. We believe that, just like in the squares where the project is already taking place, in Recife electric bikes will arrive to make the city's mobility more efficient”, says Maurício Villar, co-founder and COO of Tembici.

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