Encceja offers the chance to complete high school

More than 14 thousand iFood partner delivery men and women signed up to take the test in 2023; find out more about the exam

Do you know Encceja? This is the acronym for National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults, created in 2002 by the federal government to give those who were unable to finish their studies the opportunity to complete primary or secondary education.

Encceja is carried out by Inep (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira) in collaboration with state and municipal education departments. This year, the exam will be on Sunday, August 27th.

And iFood, as a Brazilian company which supports the cause of education, gives strength to delivery men and women to take Encceja and complete secondary education. After all, one of the The company's public commitments are to encourage basic education in Brazil.

·         Discover iFood’s education journey for delivery people

To this end, the company has been offering, since 2022, the My High School Diploma, a program that provides scholarships for the preparatory course for the test, in partnership with the platform Finish your studies.

Useful information for those who are going to take Encceja

In this year, 14,546 delivery men and women Those who work on the iFood platform signed up for Encceja — almost triple the number of subscribers in 2022.

On the day of the exam, they receive a stipend of R$ 60 from iFood to take the test, which is carried out in person, between 9am and 1pm and between 3:30pm and 8:30pm.

Participants need to bring an original document with photo (RG, CNH, passport, work permit) and a black ballpoint pen with a transparent tube.

For high school, Encceja evaluates the following areas of knowledge:

  • Natural Sciences and their Technologies (Chemistry, Physics and Biology);
  • Mathematics and its Technologies;
  • Languages and Codes and their Technologies and Writing (Portuguese,
  • Modern Foreign Language, Arts and Physical Education);
  • Human Sciences and their Technologies (History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology).

These areas of knowledge were established based on the curriculum of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), in accordance with the National Curricular Parameters (PCNs).

Of the delivery men and women participating in My High School Diploma in 2022, 950 passed at Encceja. In January 2023, they received their diplomas for completing this stage of education.

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