Delivery drivers provide Encceja to complete secondary education

More than five thousand iFood partners signed up to take the test that entitles them to a high school diploma

Half of Brazilians over 25 years old (almost 70 million people) did not complete high school, reveals Pnad (National Household Sample Survey). On iFood, 28% of delivery drivers registered on the platform do not have this diploma, according to a survey carried out by the company in 2022.

To get there, 5,314 delivery drivers signed up to win a scholarship for the postgraduate preparation course. My High School Diploma program, carried out in partnership with the online education platforms Descomplica and Termine Seu Estudos. 

And now, this Sunday (28/8), they are preparing to take the Encceja (National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults), the test that entitles them to a high school completion certificate. 

“Having a diploma is important to open up new opportunities, in addition to representing more dignity, increasing self-esteem and making the dream of those who want to take a university course possible,” says Luanna Luna, education manager at iFood. “iFood sees that the diploma restores confidence and interest in this journey of knowledge.”

Tiago Dias, founder of Termine Seu Estudos, says that the students who are preparing to take the Encceja are, on average, 30 years old, belong to classes C and D and are already in the market working.

“In Brazil, most people leave school in their first year of high school, when they move from ninth grade to first year of high school, at the age of 15 or 16,” he says. “Many end up working, so they leave school to prioritize their salary. There are also cases of teenage pregnancy and young people who fail and drop out of school.”

The two paths to resuming studies

Along this path, at some point in adulthood they miss studying. “They are economically active people who understand that, without a high school diploma, it will really be very, very difficult for them to achieve their goals”, says Tiago.

It is at this moment that My High School Diploma wants to help these people resume their studies. “We believe that without basic education there is no social or country development. That's why we want to help fix this gap structure, giving more opportunities for development and access to a continuous journey of education for delivery people”, concludes Luanna.

For Tiago, those who left school before finishing high school today have two paths. “The most classic thing is to return to the classroom, in the youth and adult education model, and complete a course load within the school. Another is the path of certification tests, without the obligation to formally attend school: you sign up for a test and get certified, like with Encceja.”

For him, Encceja is more suitable for young adults than Enem, for example. “It is a test with a reduced number of questions. There are 30 questions, with only 4 alternatives, not 5. It is shorter, so young people or adults who have been away from school for many years can read the test. And there are many questions about life, everyday things, real experiences.”

The secret to doing well, reveals Tiago, is to master basic knowledge. “The Encceja test is an approval that does not depend on any other result, only yours. It is a proficiency grade, not a competition test. It is a test to check whether candidates know the basics”, he concludes. 

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