From goals to action: how iFood has invested in education since 2021

Check out this timeline that shows the company's initiatives to provide access to educational opportunities for children, young people and adults

In its purpose of feed the future, iFood became, in 2021, signatory of the Global Compact of the UN (United Nations). In this way, the company committed to promoting Sustainable Development Goals

Among them is SDG 4, which seeks to guarantee access to inclusive, quality and equitable education, promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all, what is inclusive education.

To put these plans into practice, in 2021 iFood established three goals in the area of education for 2025:

  • Train and employ 25 thousand people from underrepresented and low-income groups in technology, contributing to reducing the technological blackout in Brazil;
  • Train more than 5 million people in 5 years for the work of the future and entrepreneurship;
  • Encourage basic education, impacting 5 million people in up to 5 years.

“Through this company, with investment capacity and a lot of good people, we can contribute to making Brazil a better place, especially when we promote education, an area that is priority number 1 for iFood in terms of impact”, writes the company president, Fabricio Bloisi, in this article in which he talks about how iFood is changing the lives of thousands of people through education. 

The first education programs

To achieve its education goals, iFood launched, in 2021, two important programs in this area: iFood Takes Off and the Tech Power. At Decola, delivery drivers, restaurants and markets can find more than one hundred quick and free qualification courses. To date, more than 75 thousand people have received 215 thousand certificates.

Potência Tech arrives to support the training of professionals in the technology area with courses and scholarships. The program prioritizes those who are part of underrepresented groups in the area (such as women, black people and LGBTQIAP+) and low income. 

Since 2021, Potência Tech has received more than 48 thousand applications for courses and scholarships, of which 90% came from underrepresented groups and 70% from low-income people. The program distributed more than 28 thousand scholarships, enabling more than 1,900 people to enter the job market.

Still in 2021, iFood became the maintainer of All for Education, an NGO that mobilizes public agents and leaders to ensure the right to a basic education quality for all Brazilians and the guarantee of greater equality of opportunities.

New initiatives for delivery drivers and basic education

In 2022, iFood created the program My High School Diploma to help delivery men and women prepare for the Encceja (National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults), a test that entitles them to a certificate of completion of this stage of education. Result: in January 2023, 950 delivery men and women received their high school diplomas.

To inspire young people to pursue a career in technology, in the same year iFood launched the Tech Marathon, a kind of school competition for high school and 9th year students using technology.

More than 26 thousand students from 98 public and private schools in 13 states across the country participated in the first edition (the second should be held in 2023).

Still in 2022, iFood joined XP in the Tech Movement, a partnership between companies to raise, by 2025, R$ 100 million to invest in projects that accelerate training and employability in the technology area.

CEO of iFood is education spokesperson for the Global Compact

At the beginning of 2023, iFood also announced the granting of full scholarships study for 380 delivery men and women who graduated from My High School Diploma to take courses at FAM (Faculty of the Americas), continuing another stage of the education journey of delivery drivers. More recently, in March 2023, the CEO of iFood, Fabricio Bloisi, was appointed education spokesperson for the Global Compact of the UN (United Nations).

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