New program helps delivery drivers complete high school

Discover the “My High School Diploma” program, which iFood launches, in partnership with Descomplica, for delivery partners on the app.

iFood partners with Descomplica and offers 2,000 scholarships for a preparatory course to obtain a diploma

iFood takes another important step towards its goal of promoting social transformation through education in the iFood Takes Off. In partnership with Descomplica, a specialist in online education, foodtech launches the My Secondary Education Diploma program, focused on delivery partners who have not completed this stage of education.

My Secondary School Diploma will offer 2000 scholarships for the preparatory course for the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (Encceja) in 2022. Approval guarantees the issuance of the certificate of completion (or diploma) of Primary Education or high school.

Classes start on January 17, 2022 and places are for those aged 18 or over. The scholarships will be aimed primarily at black or brown people, women and also those who use bicycles on the app.

“iFood cares about the development of its delivery people, which is why it promotes actions to support the development of these professionals”, explains Luanna Luna, education project manager at iFood. "We believe that education is the key to progress, which is why we want to generate professional growth opportunities for partners.”

The course, completely online, requires at least 2.5 hours of study per day, over three months, to take the test in August 2022 (the test will be online and free). Passing the exam guarantees the issuance of a certificate of completion of Elementary or High School.

“The entire iFood education team is very engaged in taking this preparatory course to delivery partners. Completing high school brings more opportunities for personal and professional development, as well as awakening dreams and new beginnings, especially for people in more vulnerable situations who have left school”, points out Sylmara Ramon, educational innovation manager at iFood.

So far, more than 6 thousand people have applied, the majority (44%) aged between 21 and 29. Among the motivations for the scholarship, most candidates highlight the desire to return to studies, mainly with the goal of entering college and having new possibilities for professional activity.

iFood investments in education

iFood Takes Off
: Platform in partnership with Sesi, Sebrae and city halls, with training programs in various professions. iFood Decola offers training on the future of work with courses such as financial management, entrepreneurship, sales, emotional intelligence and traffic legislation. The platform has more than 192 thousand registered iFood partners and more than 65 thousand certificates issued.

Responsive Pedal
: Pedal Responsa is a free online course, carried out via WhatsApp, with information about rights and duties when cycling. It is available to all iFood Pedal users and has already been completed by 5654 people.

Tech Power
: Platform that offers introductory courses, scholarships for in-depth courses and job vacancies so that people with profiles that are currently underrepresented in this area can specialize and start a new career. More than a hundred people have already graduated from these courses, more than 70 have been hired and more than 2,500 have been made available in varied courses in back-end, front-end, full-stack and data.

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