Ask your questions about purchasing an iFood electric motorcycle

Here we clarify the main questions about where and how to purchase the iFood electric motorcycle

How and where to Electric motorcycle for iFood delivery people will it be sold? These and other doubts have arisen among people interested in this new sustainable mode for delivery. Therefore, below are our experts' answers to these questions.

Where can I buy the iFood electric motorcycle? 

Firstly, in Voltz website You will find all the details about the motorcycle and the purchase conditions for the pre-sale, which is being carried out for delivery drivers registered with iFood in São Paulo (SP) and who have been active on the base for at least 3 months. Other prerequisites are to carry out at least 1,767 routes and receive over 92.64% of likes of customers.

Who can buy the iFood electric motorcycle?

Any qualified person who is interested in the motorcycle. However, the special conditions are exclusive to iFood couriers. 

As mentioned previously, these conditions involve discounts and facilities when financing the iFood electric motorcycle.

How do I pay for the purchase of a motorcycle in installments? How many installments can I pay? 

Vehicle financing can be done at the finance company that is most convenient for delivery men and women.

iFood made an agreement with Banco BV so that our partners have better conditions and rates. 

Will iFood provide any financial benefit to those who purchase the electric motorcycle?

Yes. Firstly, we formed a partnership with Voltz to offer the electric motorcycle to couriers at a price much lower than the market price. Anyone who is active on the iFood platform has an exclusive discount and will pay a final amount of R$ 9,999.90. In addition, there is a subsidy of R$ 2,000 for the first 300 electric motorcycles that are financed with BV bank (upon credit and user approval).

How much do I need to pay to pay for the electric motorcycle in installments? 

The terms of installments, as well as their conditions (such as interest amount) must be checked by buyers with the bank or finance company that is most convenient for each person.

Is there an option to rent the electric motorcycle instead of buying? 

iFood will work to offer rental options for electric motorcycles and has studied with several partners how to make this access possible for delivery drivers. We will have news soon — stay tuned to iFood News!

What are the advantages of buying an electric motorcycle from iFood?

One of the biggest advantages of an electric motorcycle is that it does not emit any type of polluting gas into the atmosphere. In this way, the sustainable vehicle is one of the ways to contain the global warming in Planet. 

Download our free material on sustainable vehicles

Furthermore, because it is powered by electricity, the iFood electric motorcycle reduces fuel and maintenance costs by up to 70%. 

There will be 100 battery exchange points at Ipiranga Stations spread across more than ten neighborhoods in the city of São Paulo. Therefore, the monthly recharging plans for the motorcycles will be a maximum of R$ 319, being a considerably lower expense in relation to fuel.

iFood electric motorcycle promotes savings and sustainability in deliveries

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