Discover the 10 most unusual pizzas you can find on iFood!

Pizzas with unusual flavors? If there's one thing Brazilians do very well, it's being creative. Check out now 10 unusual flavors that you can find on the Ifood App!

Brazil is a huge country full of different ingredients, as well as varied local preferences. But do you know what we have in common in every corner of the country? The love for pizza!
And during the pandemic, consumption of this favorite soared, reaching an increase of 17% compared to surveys in 2017 and 2018, carried out by the Associação de Pizzerias Unidas do Brasil.

To celebrate #sextou, as a cuddle on difficult days, a companion on rainy nights or to celebrate special or extremely common moments at home; pizza represents an explosion of flavors, sensations and could certainly be at the top of the comfort food list (apologies to soup lovers, but this top spot could very well go to pizza).

But this is not a text to talk about the traditional flavors of pepperoni, margherita and mozzarella. It's supposed to make you drool a little on the other side of the screen or perhaps make a face when reading the 10 most unusual flavors that you can find in the app. iFood. Let's be honest, shall we? Brazilian people love to eat well and don't stick to rules when it comes to being creative. Check out:

Chicken heart pizza

Typical of barbecues or Sunday gatherings, the chicken heart gets a new version here: you will generally find it with mozzarella cheese, making a combination that would be the dream of many today.


Chicken heart pizza

Stroganoff Pizza

Look, if you love Stroganoff it's likely that when you come across this creamy and delicious pizza you'll immediately want to spread that straw potato and a spoonful of rice on top. Just so as not to lose tradition!

Pizza with hot dog flavor and shape

Have they gone too far now? For hot dog lovers, this option is certainly mouth-watering (and even makes you want to take lots of photos to show everyone that, yes, it exists).

Hot dog pizza

Four cheese pizza with gelatto

Pizza with gelatto? It's worth trying! But mixing FOUR cheeses with the sweet chill that only ice cream provides is another level.

Red fruit cheesecake pizza

Anyone who loves cheesecake may not understand how they created this combination, but it exists and those who tried it said they liked it!

Garlic Bread Pizza

Missing a barbecue? Now you can have a little piece of this good memory on pizza too. Do you think it matches?

Garlic Bread Pizza

Pizza with drumstick edge 

For everything! Coxinha is a true Brazilian delicacy and, therefore, should already be our heritage. So imagine the explosion of flavors and textures on the edges of the pizza?

Brie Pizza with Apricot

Yes, a pizza crafted with the richness that only the flavors of brie cheese and apricot can offer.

Guava jam, mozzarella cheese and cottage cheese

One thing is guaranteed with this choice: a meeting of flavors! If you order this one, you can be sure that it will feel like you are eating a more elaborate “Romeo and Juliet”.

banoffee pizza

It's not known what the English would say when they saw their pie on a pizza, but around here, every combination is possible. Banana, dulce de leche and powdered coffee now also make their contribution to pizzas.

Did you like it? Next time you order a pizza on iFood, if you choose an unusual flavor, make a story on your Instagram and tag the profile. @ifoodnewsbrasil let us know!

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