Check out what types of food are most ordered on iFood in 2021

We have prepared a humorous and delicious ranking of the most ordered foods on iFood this year. Do you already have any guesses? So click and check if you got it right!

From acarajé to açaí, including dogão and temaki, the fact is that Brazil has
an immensity of culinary varieties, flavors and ~tomperros~. Since
the most traditional gastronomic options to the most exotic, native or
foreigners, the truth is that for Brazilians there is no bad time and business
from Oiapoque to Chuí is to satisfy hunger.

Not long ago, in March, the iFood announced that it reached the 60 million mark
of orders per month. And if you stopped to ask yourself what people ask for so much
at iFood, we came to satisfy your hunger for random knowledge. Get ready,
because below you will check out the Ranking of Most Ordered Foods on iFood
in 2021!

In 10th place:

🤏🤏🤏 In 10th place in our ranking 🤏🤏, and with many helping hands,
🤏🤏, them: the Pasta! 🤏🤏🤏 It doesn't matter if it's spaghetti, lasagna or gnocchi:
the fact is that everyone likes it. 🤏

Foto de massa

This post was approved by Garfield.

In 9th place:

He's not a nipple, but he's also controversial. And the controversy is from north to southeast
of the country: Açaí arrives to occupy our 9th place in the food ranking
most ordered on iFood.

Foto de dois açaís

São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are the places that order the most açaí on iFood. And if you talk
that it tastes like earth I can't answer for myself.

In 8th place:

Coming to 8th place, we have none other than the darling of
worker: the famous marmitex. Varied, economical, easily found in
several establishments, lunchbox is an option that pleases Greeks and

Foto de Marmita

But look, you want to celebrate your anniversary by ordering a lunch box
for just one? Ask… Is it in a good tone?

In 7th place:


That's kind of a category, actually. Includes quindim, cashews, cakes,
thousands of other items and… CHOCOLATE!

Foto Chocolate

Yes, Willy Wonka makes me laugh, Ana Francisca's inheritance (don't call me
of cringe), the Bunny's obligation, the boyfriend's first option, the... ok,
you already understand me. He, chocolate, is the big star of desserts. AND
From March last year to March this year, chocolate orders
grew 315%. Nothing fairer than a little chocolate for anxiety in this
pandemic, right?

In 6th place:

Japanese food

Of course, she couldn't be left out of this list. Japanese food,
famous in Brazil for its pieces ranging from sushi to harumaki, from onigiri to
joe joe, from misoshiro to temaki. Take the boat down in the rotation!

Foto de barca de comida japonesa

Itadakimasu!!! ~otaku's voice~

In 5th place:

In fifth place in our ranking, boasting no less than 46% from
Brazilian's protein option is Chicken Meat!

Foto de Frango à Passarinho

No one can resist a bar-style chicken with a beer in
game day, right?

In 4th place:

The one that almost made it into the Top 3 was, to the surprise of many, a little food
healthy food that has been gaining space on the plate, in the stomach and in the
Brazilian: Sandwiches and Wraps.

Foto Wrap

Is it gone?!

Bronze medal:

And 3rd place in the Top 3 goes to her, the succulent, the happiness at the end of
week of the cariocas, the gaucho tradition alongside chimarrão, she, the Meat
Bovine! And with emphasis on the picanha and the barbecue.

Foto do churrasquinho]

– Put the beer in the fridge, the meat in the brahm…

Silver medal:


Cristiano Ronaldo, take care, because here in Brazilian lands the
soda came in 2nd place among the most requested items on iFood!

Foto refrigerante


Gold medal:


And the very first place goes to him, the darling of the Brazilian people: the

Versatile, this dish has already been more than internalized in our country.

Do you want @data? Then take data:

Foto Hambúguer

From 2019 to 2020, the number of burger orders grew by 140% in

From March 2020 to March this year (2021), there was an increase of 104% in
number of burger restaurants on our platform. Of these, 94% are small and
medium companies.

The butter arrives and melts.

If you liked our ranking, share it and go to the app!

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