What boyfriends and girlfriends ordered most on iFood

Valentine's Day was the second date with the most orders on iFood in 2021; find out what couples ordered most for delivery to celebrate the date.

Valentine's Day was the second Saturday with the most orders last year, find out which couples' favorite dishes are

Who said you can't enjoy a romantic dinner without leaving home? In 2021, Valentine's Day fell on a Saturday and many couples took the opportunity to celebrate the date with a special dinner delivered by iFood. Um, no: almost three million orders were placed on June 12th, making that date the second Saturday with the most orders in the entire year. 

This year, a third of Brazilian men and women (31%) are thinking about preparing a special meal at home for their better half — and 16% want to order a delivery to celebrate in private, reveals a research carried out by Globo.

And couples are more excited in 2022: there are more people wanting to celebrate Valentine's Day (72%) than in 2021 (58%). What is the reason? The majority (77%) think it is a good time to strengthen the relationship, according to the survey.

What will be the request this year? To get inspired, check out what boyfriends and girlfriends from all over Brazil ordered most on iFood on this special day in 2021.

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