There is such a passion for French fries that there is even a museum for it

On World French Fries Day, iFood shows a little about the history of this delicacy and shows how to make dry, crispy potatoes. check out

He is based in Bruges, Belgium, which claims to be the inventor of the food. But that's not what the French say

It serves as an accompaniment to restaurant dishes. three chic, for our everyday PF and makes a wonderful combination with snacks, especially hamburger, the person honored a few days ago. Yes, that's right, the fries.

There are those who don't see much fun in French fries, but the truth is that French fries, whether in the form of sticks, chips, rustic, in a spiral (crinkle), with cheese or just with salt, made at home or in your Favorite restaurant, it is a delight and a crowd favorite.

So much so that there is a museum just for her, the Frietmuseum, which is in the city of Bruges, Belgium. The Belgian people cannot live without a fry and the most traditional way of eating them is wrapped in a paper cone accompanied by some sauces.

In the museum you can learn about the history of the potato, native to South America (from the Andes Mountains) taken to Europe during the time of the Great Navigations to conquer the world. Visitors also learn the history of the creation of the French fries that Belgians swear are from there.

Those who also claim to be the owners of the creation are the French. French fries potato or French fries is the term used to refer to the food in the United States. The story goes that a French army officer discovered the potato in Germany, when he became a prisoner in the Seven Years' War (1756 to 1763). Once released, the agronomist and nutritionist would have carried out some experiments with the potato, including throwing the tuber cut into sticks into a pan with hot oil. Familiar, right?

Today potatoes are the basis of many meals and the best friend of many dishes and snacks. According to Embrapa, it is estimated that 1 billion people (out of 7.8 billion in total) consume the tuber daily in the world (in its most varied forms). Annual production across the planet exceeds 330 million tons.

Potato land

In Brazil, it is common to have cities that call themselves the land of a certain product. We don't have the land of French fries, but rather the land of potatoes, the main raw material for dry, crunchy sticks. It is Ipuiúna, a city of 9,500 inhabitants in the south of Minas Gerais.

Minas Gerais, in fact, is one of the seven Brazilian states that produce the first commodity which is not a grain. São Paulo, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Goiás and Bahia complete the team.

How to make a dry potato

On World French Fries Day, how about making yours at home? To the Palate, chef Maurício Lopes, professor of basic cooking skills at Anhembi Morumbi University, taught how to make the side dish crunchy and dry.

For this, you will need potatoes, oil and salt. If you don't have these ingredients, just ask for it. iFood Market that the purchase arrives quickly. It is also worth having a culinary thermometer, specifically for use in foods and liquids.

The secret, he says, is to avoid using paper towels to dry the sticks and fry the potatoes in two batches.

Check it step by step

  1. Cut the potatoes into sticks;
  2. Use a clean oil (first use) and heat it between 120°C and 140°C. This is the potato's first thermal shock;
  3. The first frying should be done for a few minutes, before the sticks turn brown. Important: the sticks cannot stick together;
  4. Potatoes should be drained in a metal sieve and not on paper towels. This is what will make the potatoes very dry;
  5. The oil must be heated again, this time to 180°C. Add the potatoes that have already been fried for the first time and let them reach the color you want;
  6. Then just pass it through the metal sieve again, salt and serve!
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