What are the most requested vegan foods on iFood?

Brazilians have already placed 600,000 vegan orders from January to August 2022; find out what your favorite dishes are

On November 1st, World Vegan Day is celebrated, a date created in 1944 by Louise Wallis, then president of the Vegan Society of England, the most traditional vegan food institution in the world. It was on that date, in fact, that the organization was founded.

Today it is estimated that there are almost 7 million vegans in Brazil, according to a survey carried out by Ibope in 2018, commissioned by the Brazilian Vegetarian Society. People who eat vegan food do not consume any type of product or food of animal origin or their derivatives. This includes meat, dairy, eggs, honey and anything that, in its origin, has caused suffering to an animal.

According to this principle, they also do not wear clothes made from animal skins or cosmetics or products tested on them. This is a difference between veganism and vegetarianism: this implies not consuming any type of meat of animal origin, but does not restrict the intake of foods such as milk and eggs.

Veganism, therefore, goes beyond what is there, on the plate. It is a philosophy of life that values diversity, for inclusion and socio-environmental responsibility initiatives. 

According to data from the Dutch Environment Agency, universal veganism would cut carbon emissions from agriculture by 17%, the methane emissions at 24% and nitrous oxide emissions at 21% by 2050. 

Do vegans eat hamburgers?

Yes, eat — but not meat, of course. Just like the traditional hamburger, vegan is at the top of the most requested list. It was the champion among the more than 600 thousand vegetarian or vegan orders made on the iFood app from January to August 2022. In 2021, this quantity reached close to 1 million.

In general, the states where vegan food is most ordered are São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais — and lunch on weekdays is the preferred time. Do you want to know more about the preferences of vegans on iFood? Check out the numbers below. To learn about veganism and access recipes and nutrition tips, visit the website Veganuary.

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