Quick game: what is the Tech Movement?

Stay up to date with this initiative to educate young people to make a career in technology — and find out why this matters to iFood

What is the Tech Movement?

It is the union of iFood, XP Inc. and 18 other companies to make private social investment in Education for Technology and accelerate the training and employability of low-income young people and those from underrepresented profiles in society. 

The purpose of the movement is to awaken the interest of new generations in Technology, train talents for the professions of the future and generate job opportunities, promoting initiatives that help companies employ professionals with these profiles in the area. 

What is the goal?

The aim of the movement is invest R$ 100 million by 2025 and R$ 2.1 billion by 2030. Since it was launched in July 2022, Movimento Tech has already raised more than R$ 5 million to put the project's objectives into practice and generate social impact. 

Who participates?

Eighteen companies have already joined iFood and XP Inc - the first two sponsors of the program - in this movement as sponsors: Arco Instituto, Grupo Boticário, Buser, Ci&T, Cubos Academy, Digital House, Behring Foundation, Gama Academy, Instituto Localiza, Kenzie Academy, Let's Code, ONE (Oracle Next Education), RD (RaiaDrogasil), Rocketseat, Semantix, Telles Foundation, VTEX and Descomplica.

What is iFood already doing in this area?

In addition to supporting the Tech Movement, iFood has been investing in technology education through programs such as Tech Marathon and the platform Tech Power, which offer free educational content in the areas of Technology and Programming.

Why is this movement important for iFood?

In the words of Fabricio Bloisi, president of iFood: “Investing in Technology for Education is fundamental to our existence. iFood only exists because of investment opportunities in technology, education and value generation through education.”

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