Fighting hunger: how to donate with just one click

Anyone who places an order on iFood can now help fight hunger by making a donation when making payment. Know how.

In 2021, over R$7 million was raised through the app. Find out how to donate!

The fight against hunger and poverty has become a priority for many people: 43% of Brazilians consider this the most important social cause, according to the Doação Brasil 2020 survey, by the Institute for the Development of Social Investment.

According to the latest data from research by the Brazilian Research Network on Food and Nutritional Sovereignty and Security (Penssan), 19 million people were in a situation of hunger in 2020 – 9 million more than in the survey carried out in 2018.

To allow the most vulnerable Brazilians to have access to food, iFood invests in actions such as Everyone at the Table and has been offering, since January 2020, a donation platform within your app. Initially, users could make donations to hunger-fighting institutions by accessing the “Donations” field in the “Profile” tab.

Now, the platform has started to offer the possibility of donating at the time of completing the order – iFood is the first company in Brazil to have donations at the time of purchase. Anyone who places an order through the app will be able to choose, at checkout, at the end of the purchase, whether they want to make a donation. “A lot of people want to donate, but don’t know how. We want to promote the culture of donation and allow people to help those who need it most”, says André Borges, head of sustainability at iFood.

The simpler the better: 60% of people who donate through the app do so because of the ease, according to the survey “Donor Profile”, carried out by iFood in 2021.

Borges explains that changing the donation button to checkout is a way to give more visibility to this functionality, as this is a noble area of the application. “iFood is the first company in Brazil to provide a donation button when the customer completes the purchase. We believe this can boost fundraising. With this campaign, we hope to impact millions of people by strengthening the cause of partner Social Organizations that are on the app.”

The partner Social Organizations are:

  • Gastromotiva, with solidarity meals
  • Citizenship Action, with basic food baskets
  • CUFA, with digital baskets
  • Generating Falcões, with digital baskets
  • Solidarity Organic, with fruits, vegetables and greens
  • SOS Mata Atlântica, with tree planting
  • All for Education, with actions in favor of education

In 2021, more than R$ 6.5 million was raised through iFood's actions to combat hunger. “Now, our goal is to redistribute 1,500 tons of food and bring food and dignity to those who need it most”, adds Borges.

How to donate through the app

At checkout:

1. Open the iFood app as you always do

2. Choose your meal

3. Review the order

4. At check-out, you choose to donate R$ 1, R$ 2 or R$ 4. The total collected is shared between the partner institutions. Done!

In the “Profile” tab:

1. In the “Profile” tab, open the “Donations” field

2. Select one of the partner institutions

3. Choose one of the available values

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