Want more healthy food in your everyday life? Here are some tips

Find out how to have a more balanced diet that is good for your body and mind

A healthy food is one that is made with fresh ingredients and is good for our health. The one that we prepare in a way that preserves the nutritional qualities of the food as much as possible.

For those who are looking to change their eating habits and are looking for inspiration to eat in a way that is good for the body and mind, here is a short guide on what is (and isn't) healthy food. 

What is the difference between healthy food and healthy eating?

Healthy food is food that is in its natural state or that is minimally processed. And also the one with the least saturated fats, added salt and sugar. 

Healthy eating has to do with our habits. It is one that respects the food practices of our culture and that comes from socially and environmentally sustainable sources. 

Furthermore, healthy eating involves the consumption of regionally produced foods that are varied, “colorful” and safe for human consumption. 

This means, therefore, that healthy food is part of a healthy diet. Therefore, we must also take into account how foods are prepared and combined with each other and what nutrients they contain. 

Why is it important to eat healthy foods?

Putting foods of this quality on our menu is important because they contain everything a person needs, in nutritional terms, to have good health. 

This is because this type of food is rich in macronutrients (which are proteins, carbohydrates and fat) and micronutrients (vitamins) and fiber, which form the basis of a nutritionally balanced diet. 

Furthermore, including healthy food in our routine prevents malnutrition and the development of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), main causes of mortality worldwide. 

Some types of healthy food

Eating in a balanced way does not require as much planning as you think. At iFood, for example, restaurants and cafeterias offer different options for snacks, lunch, dinner and healthy food. Some of them are the fit lunchboxes, the PF (made dish) and our typical rice and beans. 

Need some inspiration to plan your menu? Check out some suggestions below: 

Healthy food to lose weight 

Those who want to cut calories can opt for meals with salads, wraps, smoothies, smoothies, natural juices and low carb snacks, with low levels of carbohydrates (yes, including pizza and cake). 

Healthy snack tips

There are some options for those who want to have a lighter and more practical snack for their break at work, school or college. 

Some of them are stuffed tapioca, crepioca, scrambled eggs, sandwiches and wraps with natural fillings, açaí with fresh fruits and dried and granola and smoothies. 

Balanced dishes for lunch

The traditional PF (made dish) is an example of healthy lunchtime food. After all, there are foods from three groups: carbohydrates, proteins and fiber. Therefore, good old beans, rice, meat and salad is, without a doubt, a nutritionally complete lunch. 

Dishes with pasta and homemade sauces are also a healthy option for lunch. Finally, the Escondidinho is another nutritionally balanced dish for this meal.

Healthy food for dinner

To end the day, some options for dinner are soups and broths, a savory pie, crepe, quiches, sushi, fit lasagna, omelet and ceviche, for example.

Is air fryer food healthy?

Yes, food made in an air fryer is healthy, however doctors and nutritionists recommend that it be used in moderation when preparing food on a daily basis. 

By using the convection method (high temperature), it eliminates the use of oil without damaging the crispiness of the food, as if they were deep-fried. 

This means that foods made in an electric fryer have fewer calories than those fried in oil. However, high temperature can eliminate nutrients. 

What is not considered healthy food?

Some foods can be considered healthy if consumed in moderation, but it is good not to overindulge in our diet. We are talking about those that are rich in sugar, sodium and fats. 

An example is turkey breast: as it is a food in the sausage category, it contains high amounts of sodium, so it is best not to overdo it. 

Cereal bars also require moderation, as many of them contain high amounts of sugar. 

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