3 simple steps to start recycling more

Do you have questions about the correct way to separate and prepare materials for recycling? Check out this step by step

At the beginning of June, the iFood joined other large Brazilian companies in the Together for Recycling movement to encourage people to recycle more. 

After all, when we separate waste correctly, its utilization rate exceeds 70%, according to data from Ipea (Institute for Applied Economic Research).

If you are still in doubt about how you can do your part, Juntos pela Reciclagem explains how to start recycling, in a very simple way!

To get started, just follow these three simple steps:

1 – Separate dry packaging from organic packaging

In general, recyclable materials are all “dry” materials, such as:

  • Glass or plastic bottles
  • Pots
  • Roles
  • Coffee capsules
  • Bottles
  • Cans

2 – Empty the packaging

Before sending one of the above packages for recycling, empty and clean them. When they are dry, just discard them in the recyclable bin.

3 – Finish disposal

Now that everything is ok, just throw the recyclable material in the appropriate bin or take it to a collection point. Want to know where these points are? You can ask the iFood chatbot sending a message via WhatsApp.

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