Consumers want to change habits to protect the environment

Attentive to conscious consumption, 62% of people want to change habits to have a positive impact on the environment – find out here how to do this on a daily basis.

Research shows tendency to pay more and act more towards sustainability

Consumers are more aware of the connection between what they consume and consequences for the environment. In a survey carried out by IBM in partnership with the National Retail Federation (US National Retailers Association), 62% of people said they were willing to change your consumption habits to reduce environmental impact.

The survey also highlights that half of those interviewed would accept paying more for sustainability —an additional up to 70%. The number is equivalent to double what was recorded in the previous survey, carried out in 2020.

Another survey, carried out annually by Euromonitor International in more than one hundred countries, listed the ten global consumer trends for 2022. One of them is taking action to protect the environment: in 2021, 67% of consumers tried to make a positive impact on the environment with their day-to-day actions, according to the study.

Furthermore, people also expect companies to transparently show what they are doing to make a positive environmental impact. At the iFood Regenerates, we have carried out actions to regenerate the Atlantic Forest, eliminate the use of plastic in delivery, increase the use of electric bicycles, among many others. In 2021, the foodtech also anticipated CO2 compensation in its deliveries.

Want to know how you can start practicing conscious consumption day to day? Here are 5 tips:

5 tips for conscious consumption

1 – Do not order single-use items during delivery
When ordering food, give up plastic cutlery, cups and straws. If you are at home, you may not need these items.

2 – Adopt an ecobag
Use fabric bags to avoid unnecessary consumption of plastics (and their inappropriate disposal in the oceans).

3 – Bring your glass (or straw)
When you go to restaurants, bars or parties, take your cup and reusable straw to avoid using single-use plastic items.

4 – Save water
Use only the amount needed in the shower, when brushing your teeth and when washing the car (remember to turn off the tap when you are not using the water).

5 – Don’t waste food
In the market, choose the essentials, without exaggeration. At home, first use vegetables that are close to spoiling and use the freezer to store food longer and avoid waste.

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