iFood food donation: find out how to help through the app

iFood food donations were one of the ways the company found to help those most in need. 

As a delivery company that 'brings food' to thousands of people across Brazil. We also understand that it is our role to support the most vulnerable population by taking food to those who need it most. 

Our big dream is to be able to act on several fronts to reduce food insecurity and hunger in Brazil.

iFood food donation: when did this initiative start?

In 2020, we began to advance social impact initiatives focused on combating hunger for thousands of socially vulnerable people. Our starting point was the creation of a Permanent Donation environment in the app, a simple and quick way for iFood customers to make their donations and benefit those who need it most.

Our commitment to supporting the fight against hunger has already earned us important recognition: we were recognized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and by the Center of Excellence against Hunger Brazil (WFP) as a company that has as one of its priorities are food security and the fight against hunger.

Currently, the following institutions collect donations through the iFood app:

Plant a tree with SOS Mata Atlântica
Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica is a Brazilian environmental NGO created in 1986 to inspire society in defending the most threatened forest in Brazil. It works to promote public policies for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest through biome monitoring, production of studies, demonstration projects, dialogue with public and private sectors, improvement of environmental legislation, communication and engagement of society in favor of forest recovery, valorization of parks and reserves, clean water and protection of the sea.

SOS Mata Atlântica works to mobilize public authorities, private institutions, landowners and civil society with the aim of recovering the forest through the implementation of the National Policy for the Recovery of Native Vegetation (Proveg) and its instruments, in particular the National Native Vegetation Recovery Plan (Planaveg), which aims to recover 12 million hectares by 2030, mainly in permanent preservation areas (APP) and legal reserves (RL).

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What are the ways to donate food through iFood?

There are two ways to donate food via iFood, check them out:

1. Donation of Basic Food Baskets to the NGO Ação da Cidadania

Through a partnership with Ação da Cidadania, which has been working to combat hunger for over 27 years, we were able to bring food to families in all states in Brazil. 

Since the beginning of 2020, more than 1,400 tons of food have been collected, benefiting more than 500,000 people.

Furthermore, in July this year, we helped victims of the floods that devastated the Brazilian northeast due to heavy rains and landslides that hit the regions of Pernambuco, Alagoas and Rio Grande do Norte.

Check out the message from Kiko, director of Ação Cidadania:

Find out more on the website NGO.

2. Donation of ready-made meals to CUFA

CUFA (Central Única das Favelas) is a Brazilian organization recognized nationally and internationally and has existed for 20 years. 

Through the app, customers can donate meals that arrive to people in various states in Brazil. 

In addition to supporting those who need food most, we also help the restaurants responsible for preparing it to generate income. With this initiative we have already managed to distribute more than 100 thousand meals.

In December last year, we met with CUFA to help victims of heavy rains in Bahia. 

Furthermore, in May this year, we formed another partnership to collect food, clothes and blankets. The action was aimed at people with extreme social vulnerability in the south, southeast and center-west regions.

Check out the message from Celso Athayde from CUFA:

During the pandemic period, the CUFA organization carried out a logistics survey of donations within favelas throughout Brazil, and efforts were focused on promoting the resilience of families in favelas, headed mainly by women. With the #MãesDaFavela project, digital basic food baskets are mobilized for families in more than 5,000 favelas across Brazil.

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3. Gastromotiva

Refettorio Gastromotiva, opened in 2016 in partnership with Food For Soul, is a school restaurant where students from Gastromotiva courses in Rio de Janeiro and guest chefs cook, from Monday to Friday, meals that are served to people in situations of social vulnerability.

During the pandemic, the operating model was expanded to work in communities and places with a large concentration of vulnerable people.
Currently, Refettorio Gastromotiva produces 3,600 weekly meals in warm format, which are distributed in the central region of Rio de Janeiro/RJ.

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4. Organic Solidarity

Orgânico Solidário is a non-profit initiative that aims to bring fresh and organic food such as fruits and vegetables to families in situations of social vulnerability, involving a network of organic farmers who have their production and income stimulated.

Families in more than 70 communities in four states in Brazil benefit: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and Paraná. Donations occur on a recurring basis to ensure food security.

Each basket has 14 varied vegetable, fruit and vegetable items and costs R$50 per unit. This amount is enough to cover production, assembly and delivery costs, generating income for organic farmers in several cities and healthy food for thousands of families in situations of social vulnerability.

know more.

5. Generating Falcons

Gerando Falcões is a social organization that was born in the favela and operates within a network strategy, with projects focused on sports and culture for children and adolescents and professional training for young people and adults, being an engine of income generation for families, including graduates. of the penitentiary system.

In this moment of crisis, they launched the #CoronaNoParedão movement, intensified the donations received and the distribution of digital food baskets in the favelas to families in a state of vulnerability. The movement has already impacted more than 240,000 people.

Know more.

All for Education

Todos Pela Educação is a civil society organization founded in 2006 with a commitment to improving Basic Education in Brazil.

Its focus is to contribute to the advancement of public educational policies and thus improve Brazilian public Basic Education, ensuring that all children and young people have a quality Education.

Since 2018, it has concentrated efforts to advance Educação Já!, an agenda of effective solutions, anchored in evidence and successful experiences in Brazil and the world, which seeks to respond to the challenges that need to be faced in the educational area, impacting more than 48 million students.

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We recognize and thank the work of these civil society organizations. We believe that strengthening your operations, giving visibility to your work, promoting fundraising and transparency is our role.

Now, every customer will have the option to make a donation when completing their purchase. The total collected by these donations is divided between all institutions based on the following criteria: cause, territory of operation and transparency.

2 steps to donate food via iFood

Donations can be made through the iFood app in two ways. Check out: 

During an order:

  1. Open the iFood app as you always do;
  2. Choose your meal;
  3. Review the order;
  4. At check-out, you choose to donate R$ 1, R$ 2 or R$ 4. The total raised is shared between the partner institutions. 

In the “Profile” tab:

  1. In the “Profile” tab, open the “Donations” field;
  2. Select one of the partner institutions;
  3. Choose one of the available values.

Check the balance of iFood donations in the second quarter of 2022

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