Donate to victims of the rains on the coast of SP using the iFood app

Donations in the app will be directed to the #tamojunto campaign by the NGO Gerando Falcões and can be made regardless of requests

Heavy rains on the coast of São Paulo left people dead, missing and homeless during the Carnival holiday. This emergency motivated iFood to launch an emergency fundraising action to support the Generating Falcons, one of the Partner NGOs of the company they receive donations made through the app

On Sunday (19), Gerando Falcões launched the #tamojunto campaign to help the population affected by the floods, and iFood joined the NGO. All contributions made in the app to the institution will be 100% intended to help the population affected by the storms. The campaign will be based on the “matchfunding” model: for every real donated by society, the NGO will invest one real, until R$ 1 million of its cash is reached. 

“We want to mobilize Brazilians from all parts of the country to make their donations. We will transform all the financial resources raised into food, mattresses and clothing to support families who, at this moment, are homeless and in a vulnerable situation”, says Edu Lyra, CEO and Founder of the NGO Gerando Falcões. 

On Tuesday (21), iFood expanded the donation campaign to also include Cufa (Central Única das Favelas) and the Citizenship Action, which began operating on the north coast of São Paulo. In two days, more than R$ 200 thousand was collected on the app and donated to food, drinking water, diapers, food, cleaning products and other items that are being distributed to affected people.

“This initiative is part of our emergency campaigns, for which we transformed our application into a solidarity platform. We are using technology to facilitate the allocation of resources and contribute to those in need at this time”, he explains. Flavia Rosso, sustainability manager at iFood.

To make a donation via iFood, you do not necessarily need to make an in-app purchase. In addition to the routine way of donating —when completing an order, when the app asks if you want to make a donation—, you can just enter the app, click on “Profile” (in the bottom right corner, on the home screen) and then select “Donations” and “Help the victims of the rains – Gerando Falcões”. 

How to donate to victims of the rains on the coast

To donate on the iFood app, it's very easy:

  1. Open the iFood app
  2. Go to “Profile” and click on “Donations”
  3. Make a donation (click here to access the donation area)
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