Bike deliveries: learn everything about the modality that promotes a more sustainable world

Find out more about bike delivery, its advantages, how it works and how iFood has been a pioneer in delivery using electric bikes.

An excellent alternative to promoting sustainability, bike deliveries also bring benefits to couriers, customers and businesses.

The use of conventional and electric bikes is gaining more and more fans in Brazilian cities, both as a means of transport and as a means of work.

Find out more about bike delivery, its advantages, how it works and how iFood has been a pioneer in delivery using electric bikes. 

How do bike deliveries work?

Bike deliveries work through the use of bicycles as a means of transport for the collection and delivery of orders, such as documents, food, pharmacy items, among others. 

Some delivery apps, such as iFood, already offer this type of service, which has become increasingly popular in Brazilian cities. 

In this way, the items collected and delivered are, in general, transported in a backpack or cooler box that the delivery cyclist carries on his back. 

What is the name of the professional who delivers bikes?

There are some nomenclatures to define people who deliver bikes. 

Bike courier, delivery cyclist, bikeboy, messenger cyclist and delivery cycle are some names used to refer to those who use a bike as a means of transport. 

Benefits of bike deliveries

Sustainability, agility, fewer traffic jams and fuel costs for the delivery person, who will not need a license, are some of these benefits. 

In relation to sustainability, bike deliveries help reduce the emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) into the atmosphere, which cause global warming. 

This way it is possible to reduce the carbon footprint, system for measuring GHG emissions from the life cycle of human activities, products, processes or services that enter the atmosphere. 

As for agility, the bikes are efficient for deliveries. This is because cyclists are able to walk and park more independently and on special roads, such as cycle lanes, unlike motorcycles and cars. 

And because it doesn't require fuel, requires little maintenance and doesn't pay taxes, the bike ends up being a much more economical option than other means of transport. 

What is the percentage of bike deliveries in Brazil?

The percentage of bike deliveries in Brazil is 20% in relation to the total number of deliveries made. And this percentage tends to grow, especially with the use of electric bikes

According to the report Cyclologistics Brazil, published in April 2020, 90% of bike courier heard made an average of 50 deliveries per day in 2019. 

How much do bike deliveries earn?

The earnings of those who deliver bikes may vary according to the frequency and volume of work. 

A average wage from an iFood partner delivery person is 2,154 reais, almost double the official minimum wage. 

Those who use apps have an income 35% higher than that of those who work directly for restaurants, which is 1,592 reais.  

The average for delivery people who maintain other sources of income is 1,902 reais.

The minimum value of a route for iFood partner couriers is R$ 6, and the minimum value per kilometer traveled is R$1.50.  

How to make bike deliveries?

Before starting to deliver a bike, the person interested must assess their physical conditions. Furthermore, it is important to stretch, have a balanced diet and monitor your health. 

Furthermore, a person interested in making deliveries by bike does not necessarily need to have a bicycle. This is because there are places where you can pick up shared bikes and e-bikes. 

Then just choose an app or delivery company, register and start working with bike deliveries. 

On iFood, to register As a bike delivery person you must be over 18 years old.

In addition, you need a 3G data plan, your own thermal box or trunk, a bank account with the CPF and name of the delivery person and an ID issued in the last 10 years. 

4 tips for making bike deliveries safely

Traffic accidents and people crossing the streets without looking are two of the main dangers faced by bike couriers. 

Therefore, some measures security They are essential for anyone who delivers a bike. 

We have selected 5 tips for safely delivering bikes. 

See what they are below. 

  1. Be protected with a helmet;
  2. Use warning lights on the front and back of the bike; 
  3. Prefer routes with cycle paths and quieter streets whenever possible; 
  4. Keep the bike in good working order and carry out preventative maintenance. 

How to support those who deliver bikes?

There are some ways to support those who deliver bikes, whether through tips or opting for establishments that have the option of bike delivery. 

Therefore, supporting social education, professional training and personal development projects for bike couriers is also a way to encourage and promote the use of bikes. 

So be kind, offering water and alcohol gel, for example, when you receive a bike delivery person. 

Bike deliveries on iFood 

Bike deliveries on iFood aim for sustainability and work by registering people interested in making bike deliveries on the app and website. 

iFood has invested in both education and protection for delivery people through initiatives such as iFood Decola,  iFood Pedal, Delivery of Advantages, Protection Fund and Solidarity Fund. 

In addition to these projects, iFood encourages the use of electric bikes, non-polluting mode which has gained more and more followers in several Brazilian cities.

iFood delivery with electric bikes, present in six capital cities, is part of iFood Pedal, an electric bike rental service exclusively for delivery people.  

iFood's partnership with Tembici, leader in micromobility technology, iFood Pedal is the first service in the world to offer bike rental for delivery people. 

Registered couriers have a special bike rental plan. 

In addition, there are support points spread across 6 Brazilian capitals with facilities to take a break from the rush of everyday life, such as bathrooms, water, sockets to charge your cell phone. 

How to work with bike deliveries on iFood?

To work with bike deliveries on iFood, you will need to follow a few steps:

  • Register as a delivery person on iFood: To do this, you will need to download the app “iFood Delivery” and follow the instructions to create your account.
  • Check the requirements for bicycle couriers: iFood has specific requirements for delivery people who work by bicycle:
    • own a bicycle in good condition; 
    • helmet; 
    • safety accessories;
    •  cell phone with internet. 
  • Set up your bike for deliveries: It's important that your bike is set up to transport deliveries safely. This includes a backpack or cooler holder, as well as other accessories that can help with your delivery routine.

Discover the advantages for those who deliver by bike on iFood

The advantages for those who deliver by bike are for the deliverers and for the environment. 

For iFood partners, the benefits will include well-being, improved quality of life and greater freedom of movement in traffic, especially in large capitals. 

Furthermore, another important factor is the cost of operation, as bicycles are more economical compared to motorcycles and cars. This is because in addition to not needing fuel, maintenance is also cheaper.

In terms of the environment, the bicycle will not emit any polluting gases, contributing to a more sustainable delivery.

5 tips for those who want to start making bike deliveries

But, for those who want to make deliveries by bike, it's not enough to just have a bike, it's important to pay attention to some important points. 

Check out some tips: 

  • Choose the correct bike: Those who deliver bikes will travel long distances. Because of this, it is essential to choose a bike that is comfortable, light and offers the possibility of changing the weight balance; 
  • Safety is a priority: A prerequisite for delivering bikes to iFood is having safety equipment. However, it is also important that the bicycle is in good condition, that is, check the brakes, chains and lights; 
  • Get to know the region well: It is important to know the region where deliveries will be made. The objective is to facilitate movement on the routes and avoid possible “climbs”; 
  • Have a basic tool kit: This can save you time and money. Always have a kit with a screwdriver, a wrench and an air pump in case of any problems with the bike; 
  • Check iFood requirements: Being within the requirements will avoid possible blockages and problems in making your delivery.

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