Fabricio Bloisi will be part of the Presidency's 'Council'

Executive is part of the Council for Sustainable Social Economic Development, which will discuss paths for the country's advancement

The CEO of iFood, Fabricio Bloisi, was announced as one of the members of the Council for Sustainable Economic and Social Development of the Presidency of the Republic.

Also called “Conselhão”, it brings together 150 representatives of civil society to discuss and suggest measures for the country’s development. “It is a necessity for the country to have a table where it is possible to build common agendas”, defines the Minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, in interview with Valor Econômico.

“I am grateful for the invitation to participate in the Council for Sustainable Social Economic Development. This is an opportunity to dialogue and discuss new ways to build, together, solutions to the main problems of Brazilian society and to issues of global urgency”, comments Fabricio.

On the Board, the CEO of iFood will be a representative of Brazilian technology companies and New Economy, which generates income for thousands of people through digital platforms.

He will be alongside other businesspeople, such as Luiza Trajano, president of the board of directors of Magazine Luiza, Abilio Diniz, president of the Board of Directors of BRF, Luiz Carlos Trabuco, president of the board of directors of Bradesco, and Sergio Zimerman, president and founder of the Petz chain.

“Feeding the future means thinking big, dreaming of a high positive impact on society, the economy and the country’s development. And, of course, I am available to contribute”, says Fabricio.

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