iFood creates a program for black people and opens 300 exclusive vacancies

The attraction program is part of the company's diversity and inclusion pillar, and complements the various initiatives produced by the company throughout the year
  • The opportunities are for remote vacancies in various positions and areas in the country
  • The attraction program is part of the company's diversity and inclusion pillar, and complements the various initiatives produced by the company throughout the year

São Paulo, November 2021 – Aligned with the purpose of feeding the future of the world and promoting changes that positively impact society, iFood announces a specific recruitment program for black people and the opening of 300 exclusive vacancies. With registrations starting on November 11th, the initiative entitled iFood Includes Black People will have opportunities for different positions and areas of activity.

iFood has already been working on this front with different initiatives inside and outside the company, for example, with the launch in May of this year of the public commitment to diversity and inclusion, in addition to supporting other projects that increase representation in selection and hiring processes, as well as promoting professional training, such as Potências Negras, Mentoring for Black People and Agora é que são Elas – a women’s career acceleration program. iFood Includes Black People seeks to contribute to the repair of historical debts, encouraging professional inclusion, since today 56% of the population in Brazil is black, according to IBGE data.

“We make a public commitment to be agents of urgent change that promotes diversity and inclusion and combats an unequal society. Embracing 300 black Brazilians who are in the market dreaming of the opportunity to feed the future of the world, represents a lot for us and is part of this inclusion movement that we want to promote more and more”, says Gustavo Vitti, Vice-President of People and iFood sustainability.

The program, which also focuses on intersectionalities, was prepared by iFood's diversity and inclusion team, with the consultancy of Cia de Talentos and the encouragement of Pólen Orgulho Negro, iFood's affinity group for black people, created in 2017, moved for the purpose of increasing diversity internally, in addition to creating safer environments for groups that historically suffer from inequalities.

“We worked hard so that actions like iFood Includes Black People could be designed and put into practice in the correct way, with the main objective of promoting a welcoming inclusion that values each new FoodLover”, says Viviane Santos, Leader of Pólen Orgulho Negro, a group of Race and Ethnicity affinity on iFood.

The vacancies are distributed across different positions and areas of activity, with a focus on technology. The program will last 4 months, from November 2021 to March 2022. Registration will be open from November 11th. The first contacts in the program's selection process take place between December and January and hiring begins in the following months. But candidates have the chance to participate in the program until March of next year, the period in which the last process takes place, starting between April and May 2022. The program's hiring method increases the chances of candidates joining iFood , because, if they do not pass the first vacancy registered, the CV will remain in the database and will be considered for other opportunities that match the profile.

In May 2021, iFood announced the goal of having 50% of women in leadership, 30% of black people in leadership, 35% of women in senior leadership and 40% of black people in iFood. Along with this, the company, which believes in the value of diversity linked to inclusion, created the Psychological Safety Index (PSI), calculated from a survey carried out annually, based on the methodology of Dr. Amy Edmondson, from Harvard, to measure the psychological safety indexes of all Foodlovers.

The company's average, in May 2021, was 8.5, indicating that iFood is a psychologically safe environment, with no significant differences due to gender, race or sexual orientation. From this, a goal was established to reduce the differences in indices for minority groups by 50% and increase the overall iFood score to 9 by December 2023.

To find out more details about the opportunities, visit the website https://www.grupociadetalentos.com.br/ifood_inclui.

Promotion of education and training

In addition to the inclusion goals announced by the company, in May 2021, iFood also committed to training and employing 25 thousand people from underrepresented profiles in technology, reducing the technological blackout in Brazil with the aim of tackling three major social problems: (I) social inequality and difficult access to quality education for all, (II) the lack of professionals for the technology area and (III) the low representation of women and black people in tech. Therefore, iFood recently launched a digital platform called Potência Tech, which offers access to different courses and job vacancies in technology aimed at underrepresented profiles or those in situations of social vulnerability.

About iFood

iFood, a reference in online food delivery in Latin America, has 60 million monthly orders. Having been on the market for ten years, the Brazilian company is also present in Colombia. It works together with partners with initiatives that bring together business intelligence and management solutions for the approximately 270 thousand restaurants registered in more than a thousand cities throughout Brazil. iFood has important investors, such as Movile, a global leader in mobile marketplaces, and Just Eat, one of the largest online ordering companies in the world. iFood News was recently launched, an iFood news portal that promotes current topics such as the New Economy and content about business curiosities, partners' success stories in addition to addressing trends and innovation in the segment.

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