iFood doubles donations to plant trees in the Atlantic Forest

Find out how you can donate through the app and help the NGO SOS Mata Atlântica

As a Brazilian company, iFood joins forces to plant trees in the Atlantic Forest and collaborate with the preservation of this native biome in our country.

In its new campaign alongside SOS Mata Atlântica, one of its Partner NGOs, the company will double the amount raised through donations in the app for SOS Mata Atlântica until June 11th.

During this period, for every R$ 18 donated in the application, a tree will be planted and monitored for five years by the organization.

This partnership with SOS Mata Atlântica is already yielding good results. Since the beginning of the NGO's partnership with iFood, 60,499 trees have been planted in two cities, the equivalent of 24 football fields.

In the first quarter of 2023, SOS Mata Atlântica planted 10,450 native trees of this biome in Marabá Paulista, in the state of São Paulo.

Want to know how you can participate? We explain below:

How can I make a donation?

To donate via the iFood app to SOS Mata Atlântica, simply follow these steps:

  • Open the iFood app and click on “Profile” in the bottom right corner;
  • Scroll to “Donations”;
  • Click on “Donate for tree planting – SOS Mata Atlântica” and then on “I want to donate”;
  • Select the amount and payment method and make your donation!
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