iFood and CUFA in action in Bahia

iFood continues its donation campaign to help flood victims in Bahia. This time, the partnership is with the CUFA entity.

Foodtech joins the entity's campaign, and sets a donation goal to help the state

In response to the emergency situation that is plaguing Bahia, iFood is once again launching a donation campaign for flood victims. This time, in partnership with the non-governmental organization CUFA, the foodtech set a goal of raising more than R$500 thousand for the cause, in donations through the app.

The company offers a practical and quick donation option in the app, through which customers can donate in just one click and using the credit card facility, for example. This way, the company facilitates the path to donation.

“Since 2019, we have had a button, within the app itself, for those who want to make a donation”, explained Flavia de Rosso, Sustainability Manager at iFood, in an interview with Band’s Brasil Urgente program. “When there is a crisis like this, we act with a focus on emergency situations.”

Watch the full interview:

To find out how to donate through the app, Click here.

To find out more about the emergency campaigns for Bahia, read here:
iFood action donates R$ 538 thousand to rain victims in Bahia
iFood extends action for victims of the rains in Bahia

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