Marathon Tech reaches the last phase and will reward 600 young people

After months of challenges and learning, students from all over Brazil complete the technology competition

A Tech Marathon, a kind of school competition to spark young people's interest in technology, is reaching its final stretch. The second phase ended on September 30th, completing the training, learning and challenges for participating students. Now the project is heading towards the awards ceremony, scheduled for October 20th.

So far, more than 26 thousand students from 98 schools, public or private, spread across 13 states in the country, have participated in this journey. With challenges, scavenger hunts and classes, these high school and 9th year elementary school students learned about technology and were encouraged to take a leading role in their life projects.

In total, 50 gold medals, 150 silver medals and 400 bronze medals will be awarded to the students who stand out the most. Mentoring with market professionals and scholarships to continue studying technology are also among the prizes. The 50 winning teachers will receive recognition from the project — and all participants who complete the second phase will receive a digital certificate.

The initiative is from Cactus Association, with support from Tech Movement —a platform for private social investment in education that aims to spark interest, train and employ people in the area of technology. iFood is one of the sponsors, which invested resources and got involved in the construction of the marathon, together with companies and organizations such as XP, Vtex, Education Arc, Buser, Behring Foundation It is Telles Foundation.

Stages of the Tech Marathon

The Tech Marathon is a learning journey focused on awakening students' interest in technology, even those who have never had prior contact with the topic. The project was divided into two phases, which began in May and were completed in September.

A first phase, held between May and June, trained teachers and led competitions and lesson plans focusing on professions of the future and unplugged computational thinking to students. 

In the second phase, which ended on September 30, students participated in remote training, consisting of three modules: life project and technology; logic and thinking in blocks and creating digital stories in Scratch.

Find out more about Marathon Tech by visiting the website

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