Goals for a better world: understand the importance of the SDGs

The UN has determined 17 Sustainable Development Goals so that the world becomes a better place for everyone

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute a project for people and the planet that is a symbol of hope for a more just, prosperous and equal world for all. 

Inserted into Agenda 30 of the United Nations, the SDGs encompass different areas, such as education, gender equality, environment, work and health, among others. 

Next, you will learn more about the SDGs, their importance for society and what iFood projects and initiatives are with SDG 4 of Quality Education for All. 

SDG: what is it?

SDG – Sustainable Development Goals – is a set of 17 objectives in different areas that make up the 2030 Agenda of United Nations (UN).

 In 2015, 193 UN Member States met at the organization's headquarters to debate the future of the planet and the implementation of measures for a more sustainable development

At this meeting, a new global agenda was created: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, committed to people, the promotion of peace, the sustainability, the eradication of poverty and prosperity.

Why were the SDGs created?

The SDGs were created to promote sustainable development in several dimensions, such as social, environmental, educational, gender and economic. 

 The 17 objectives, which bring together 169 goals, aim to create a universal, integrated and transformative path for the world to become a better place for everyone. 

 In a joint effort, the creation of the SDGs was based on the Millennium Development Goals, which promoted significant changes between 2000 and 2015. 

What are your goals?

The SDGs aim to end poverty and protect the planet, promoting peace and prosperity for the lives of the entire world's population. 

A “universal call to action”, the SDGs aim to sustainable growth and the promotion of citizenship through initiatives by governments, institutions, companies and organizations.

Discover the 17 SDGs

The 17 SDGs that make up the 2030 Agenda are: 

1. Eradication of poverty in all forms and everywhere;

2. Eradicate hunger, improve nutrition and food security and promote sustainable agriculture;

3. Guaranteeing access to quality healthcare and promoting well-being for all ages;

4. Guaranteeing access to quality, inclusive and equitable education and the provision of lifelong learning opportunities for all;

5. Achieving gender equality and empowering girls and women;

6. Ensuring the availability and sustainable management of drinking water and sanitation; 

7. Guaranteeing access to clean and modern energy sources;

8. Promotion of decent, full and dignified work and sustainable economic growth; 

9. Promotion of sustainable industry and resilient infrastructure and fostering innovation;

10. Reduction of inequalities in countries; 

11. transformation of cities and communities into more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable places; 

12. Guarantee of sustainable consumption and production patterns; 

13. Adoption of urgent measures to combat climate change and its impacts; 

14. Conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources; 

15. Protection, restoration and promotion of the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainable management of forests and combating soil degradation and loss of biodiversity; 

16. Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, access to justice for all and building responsible, effective and inclusive institutions; 

17. Strengthening the means of implementing and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. 

How important are the Sustainable Development Goals for society?

The SDGs are extremely important for society, as their goals direct governments, organizations and companies towards social and environmental sustainability actions.

Climate changes, the Covid-19 pandemic and conflicts have put the world's population at risk, with threats and challenges that need to be faced urgently. 

According to the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022 According to the UN, a quarter of the global population lives in countries affected by conflict. 

This scenario generates impacts on food, health, education, environment, peace and security, which reinforces, more than ever, how important the SDGs are for everyone. 

SDG 4: why is education a goal for iFood?

Sustainable Development Goal 4 is quality education and aims to ensure that children and young people have free, equitable and quality basic and secondary education. 

It also promotes access to quality higher and technical education, free or at affordable prices, for everyone, especially people in vulnerable situations. 

Therefore, iFood has goals for education until 2025, assuming three public commitments in the area: training and employing, training and encouraging basic education. 

The goals are aligned with SDG 4 and also with one of the company's purposes, which is to Feed the future of the world with education

Discover iFood’s goals for education

iFood’s goals for education until 2025 are:     

train and employ 25 thousand people from underrepresented and low-income groups in the technology field; ·        

empower 5 million people for the work of the future and entrepreneurship;      

encourage basic education to impact 5 million people. 

To achieve these goals, iFood supports and promotes several projects in the area of education, especially aimed at training, qualification and improvement in technology. 

 Tech Power It is iFood Takes Off These are company initiatives to promote education, an area that is often unassisted by public authorities. 

What is iFood’s relationship with the 2030 agenda?

iFood is the first Brazilian delivery company to sign the  Global Compact of the UN, an initiative formed by companies from around the world that are committed to Agenda 30. 

Members of the Global Compact are responsible for contributing with their projects and initiatives to achieving the Agenda 30 SDGs. 

In this sense, iFood has been contributing in different dimensions, such as environmental, inclusion and especially education. 

The Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, brings together more than 12 companies from 160 countries around actions in favor of the environment, inclusion and education. 

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