UN releases 17 actions to promote sustainability in 2022

FAO, the UN agency for Food and Agriculture, released a list of 17 actions to promote sustainability in 2022. Read here!

The list is based on the Sustainable Development Goals

FAO, the United Nations agency for Food and Agriculture, released a list of 17 actions to put into practice and promote sustainability UN for next year.

Thus, the initiatives are based on the Objectives of the Sustainable development, part of Agenda 2030 and of which iFood is a signatory in the Global Compact.

Therefore, read below the actions suggested by the UN to start 2022 up to date with the future of the planet:

1. Put others first (SDG #1 – No poverty)

If you can help in some way to alleviate the situation of more than 700 million people who live in extreme poverty, do! It could be volunteering, donationsThe important thing is to help so that everyone has decent conditions.

2. Think about the amount of food you consume (SDG #2 – Zero hunger and sustainable agriculture)

Waste less, buy seasonal foods and give preference to those produced sustainably. Additionally, ensure that everyone has food on the table It is a duty for all of us.

3. Have a healthy lifestyle (SDG #3 – Health and well-being)

Prioritize foods rich in nutrients, take care of yourself regular checkups It is preventive, and add exercise to your routine. Finally, living productively involves a lot of food choices what we do.

4. Give as a gift or donate a book to someone (SDG #4 – Quality education)

iFood believes that transformation involves education. Promote education It is one of our commitments – and we signed it based on this UN suggestion. Gifting and donating books is opening the doors of knowledge to those who receive them.

5. Support other women! (SDG #5 – Gender equality)

According to the UN, women and girls represent half of the world's population and half of global potential – so how is gender inequality still so prevalent? Celebrate women and support them on this journey. At iFood, inclusion is part of the goals of the company, as well as the promoting equality.

6. Reduce your water consumption (SDG #6 – Drinking water and sanitation)

The water crisis is a reality, and there is no point wasting water anymore in 2021! Therefore, turning off taps and taking short showers helps a lot to combat waste.

7. Save energy (SDG #7 – Clean and affordable energy)

Turn off the lights when leaving a room – this is what we hear most at home since we were little, right? Because the rule still applies. Saving energy is fundamental, and looking for clean alternatives, such as solar panels, also.

8. Buy from socially responsible stores and companies (SDG #8 – Decent work and economic growth)

On iFood, we believe that we must give more to society than we take from it, and that is why we have several initiatives that can benefit the entire ecosystem. Find out what initiatives and causes the company you work for has.

9. Be innovative (SDG #9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure)

We can't agree more on this! After all, the Innovation is part of who we are, and we encourage thinking differently throughout our operation. As our VP of People and Sustainability, Gustavo Vitti, said: innovation is necessary.

10. Be aware of inequalities (SDG #10 – Reducing inequalities)

For the UN, this is a time for reflection and donation: how you can contribute to reduce inequalities around?

On iFood, the donation is present in our culture, as well as educational programs aimed at developing underrepresented groups.

11. Defend a sustainable city (SDG #11 – Sustainable cities and communities)

A city that is good for everyone: this is the proposal of sustainable cities. At iFood, head of Sustainability André Borges already gave the tip: We need to rethink the way we live and act today to guarantee a future for everyone.

12. Adopt a recyclable lifestyle (SDG #12 – Responsible consumption and production)

Rethink packaging and the way how do we discard things is an urgent matter. At iFood, we adopted measures to reduce the impact and we are supporters of circular economy, understanding that the useful life of a product It doesn't end when it's thrown in the trash.

13. Be conscious of the way you eat and shop (SDG #13 – Action against global climate change)

Consume consciously, understanding its impact and seeking to know the origin of what you buy is essential. Reduce your carbon footprint, choosing non-polluting modes, to choose seasonal products and search recyclable alternatives are part of this journey.

14. Be kind to the oceans (SDG #14 – Life in the water)

Choose fish and seafood that has been caught or farmed sustainably. Furthermore, prioritize non-plastic packaging, which always ends up being erroneously discarded in the oceans.

15. Keep parks and land clean (SDG #15 – Life on land)

Here, the tip is recycle and don't waste. According to the UN, it is essential to prevent incorrectly disposed chemicals from penetrating the soil.

16. Promote inclusion and respect for others (SDG #16 – Peace, justice and effective institutions)

According to the FAO, “learning more about others can help cultivate respect for people of different backgrounds, religions, genders and sexual orientations, and opinions different from your own.” Thus, the iFood Includes, our commitment to Inclusion, is a priority for us.

17. Share what you know! (SDG #17 – Partnership and means of implementation)

To make big changes, we need to have great partners. Finally, in 2021, iFood entered into partnerships that impacted the lives of thousands of people, taking food The who needs it most It is sharing knowledge. And you, how can you share knowledge within your social circle?

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