Why environmental preservation is an urgent measure for the future

Find out why companies, governments and society are mobilizing and discover 7 iFood environmental preservation actions

Having rich biodiversity and healthy ecosystems is a fundamental condition for the present and future of the planet. And this is only possible thanks to environmental preservation actions.   

In Brazil and around the world, society, governments and companies are increasingly focusing on actions to preserve the environment and looking for new ways to promote this benefit to the planet.

At iFood, it's no different. The company has a public commitment to end plastic pollution from delivery and become carbon neutral by 2025 (with at least 50% of deliveries being made in non-polluting modes).  

Discover, below, some of the initiatives taken by both the company and society to preserve our environment.

What is environmental preservation?

Environmental preservation is a set of actions to protect nature so that it is untouchable, that is, it cannot be disturbed, and without human interference. 

Environmental preservation occurs when there are threats, such as deforestation and global warming, to biodiversity and species, ecosystems or biomes.  

A law 9985 defines preservation as the set of methods, procedures and policies that aim at the long-term protection of species, habitats and ecosystems, in addition to the maintenance of ecological processes, preventing the simplification of natural systems.

Understand the importance of environmental preservation

The importance of environmental preservation is immeasurable, since not all natural resources essential for human survival are infinite and renewable.

Environmental preservation is at the heart of several iFood shares, which aims to become neutral in emissions greenhouse gases and reduce the use of plastics in deliveries by 2025. 

Through iFood Regenera, the company promotes various actions and initiatives in favor of environmental preservation, such as the campaign #PlasticFree and directing donations made in the app to reforest the Atlantic Forest

5 benefits of environmental preservation for society

The benefits of environmental preservation for society are countless and include everyone: individuals, governments, institutions and civil society. 

A clean and healthy environment is everyone's right, in accordance with resolution of the United Nations General Assembly in July 2022.

Therefore, the benefits of environmental preservation for society are:

  • Guarantee natural resources in quality and quantity so that current and future generations have a good quality of life; 
  • Promote the socioeconomic development of local communities whose income depends on finite and, in many cases, non-renewable resources;  
  • Maintain the diversity of fauna and flora in biomes such as Amazon and the Pantanal; 
  • Prevent fires and deforestation to contain global warming; 
  • Promote sustainable development fully and effectively. 

Environmental preservation in Brazil

Environmental preservation in Brazil is worrying, warn experts in the field

The country is at 81The position in Environmental Performance Index, ranking of Columbia and Yale universities that shows how countries are progressing in environmental protection.  

This data corroborates IBGE research (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) that shows the occurrence of events that had some environmental impact in more than 66% of Brazilian municipalities between 2017 and 2020.

These events are fires and extreme weather conditions, such as droughts and floods.

On the other hand, some environmental preservation actions have advanced in the country, such as reverse logistic and recycling. 

What are the types of environmental preservation?

There are several types of environmental preservation, from environmental protection areas (APAS) to reserves and environmental parks and conservation units. 

According to National System of Nature Conservation Units (SNUC), there are two types of conservation units to which environmental preservation guarantees apply. 

Are they:  

  • Full protection units: their purpose is to preserve nature, and natural resources can only be used indirectly. They include ecological station, biological reserve, national park, wildlife refuge and natural monument; 
  • Sustainable use units: combine nature conservation with the sustainable use of part of the resources. These are environmental protection areas, areas of relevant ecological interest, national forests, extractive reserves, fauna reserves, sustainable development reserves and private natural heritage reserves.  

What is the difference between environmental preservation and conservation?

As much as they may seem synonymous, the concepts of environmental preservation and conservation are different from each other, and each one has its own characteristics. own settings

Environmental preservation is linked to actions that guarantee the maintenance of the characteristics of an environment and the interactions between its components. 

Environmental conservation is the flexible system or set of guidelines planned for the management and sustainable use of natural resources. 

In other words, conservation is maintaining the environment in a sustainable way in a balanced relationship between human beings and nature. 

How to combine development and environmental preservation?

Combining development and environmental preservation is a complex issue that depends on a joint effort by governments, companies, society and citizens. 

However, there are some ways for the economic development and preservation go hand in hand. 

Economic instruments such as taxes, subsidies and certifications can help change consumption and production patterns to be environmentally sustainable. 

Using fewer resources in productive activities and reducing the economic impacts of these resources is another way to reconcile development and environmental preservation. 

How to develop environmental preservation in society?

To develop environmental preservation in society, there must be a collective effort in the public and private spheres, with everyone's commitment to a healthy environment. 

Initiatives, projects and actions educational These are activities to promote environmental preservation in society that can impact people individually and collectively. 

But everyone can do their part, whether by separating and disposing of waste correctly, promoting recycling, saving drinking water or using alternative transport. 

iFood’s actions on the environment

Preserving the environment is a crucial topic for iFood, which has invested in projects and actions in the area with the aim of leaving a positive socio-environmental impact on society.

And the results are already showing: in 2022, 21% of deliveries were made using non-polluting modes, 290 million orders were sent without plastic items and 900 thousand sustainable packaging entered circulation. 

First Brazilian delivery company to have 100% of its CO-neutral deliveries2, iFood invests in reforestation, recycling, neutral deliveries, among others. 

Discover 7 iFood environmental preservation actions

  • Electric motorcycle: launched in 2022, iFood's electric motorcycle for delivery partners is a sustainable alternative to traditional motorcycles.  
  • iFood Pedal: first electric bike rental service for delivery partners. 
  • Reducing the use of plastic: since June 2021, those who order on the iFood app have the option of not having to send forks, spoons, knives, straws and other plastic items upon delivery.
  • Sustainable packaging: 100% plastic-free, Packaging of the Future made in partnership with Suzano was highlighted at Rock in Rio 2022, which had iFood as the official delivery. 
  • Reforestation: in partnership with Heineken, iFood is involved in the Plante uma Árvore campaign, which promotes the planting of a native tree by the NGO SOS Mata Atlântica. 
  • Voluntary delivery points: iFood installed 80 PEVs, which are collection points for recyclable material, in Brazilian capitals to encourage recycling.  
  • I've Been Bag: the action of reverse logistic aims to correctly dispose of delivery backpacks that are no longer suitable for use in partnership with Greening and Retalhar; more than 157,058 bags have already been recovered.

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