What is the relationship between veganism and global warming?

Health benefits are proven for those who adopt a vegan diet, but is the planet also affected by this type of diet?

What does veganism have to do with global warming? This is an interesting question for anyone looking to adopt a new lifestyle or seek change your habits to cause less environmental impact and help combat climate changes.

This is a successful food trend. Today it is estimated that there are almost 7 million vegans in Brazil, according to a survey carried out by Ibope in 2018, commissioned by the Brazilian Vegetarian Society.

But, before understanding the relationship between vegan food and the reduction in global temperatures, let's go back a few places and reinforce a little more about what veganism is.

What is veganism?

This, in fact, is a philosophy of life that goes beyond what you eat. One of its assumptions is not to consume any type of product or food that has animal origin, not even its derivatives.

Therefore, vegans don’t just avoid meat. Dairy products, eggs, honey and any other food or drink that in its origin causes suffering to an animal is excluded from the vegan diet.

What is the difference between veganism and vegetarianism?

The difference between veganism and vegetarianism It is much more related to food choices. This is because life changes in vegetarianism occur mainly due to the items that are removed from the menu. 

There are several aspects of vegetarianism, such as the one that prevents the consumption of any type of animal meat and the one that extends the restriction to derivatives such as eggs and dairy products.

In veganism, concern for the well-being of living beings means that its followers also avoid clothing made from animal skin and do not use products tested on it, such as cosmetics.

The vegan philosophy defines an entire lifestyle based on values that value socio-environmental responsibility. The movement avoids, for example, the consumption of products or services that make use of work carried out in precarious conditions.

Veganism is also in favor of conscious consumption plastic, aluminum and non-recyclable products.

The benefits of veganism

Being vegan can bring health benefits, such as having a 15% lower risk of developing cancer or die from the disease, according to research from the United States National Library of Medicine.

In turn, the British Dietetic Association confirmed that a vegan diet brings health benefits at all ages. Among them, weight loss and a decrease in glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

But, returning to the question that started this text: is it myth or truth that veganism helps to reduce global warming?

Veganism x global warming

Research shows that, in fact, veganism can also be beneficial for the environment.

Data from the Dutch Environmental Agency indicate that, if the world were all vegan, carbon emissions from agriculture would decrease by 17%, methane emissions would fall by 24% and nitrous oxide emissions by 21% by 2050.

There are still scientific analyzes establishing that reducing meat and dairy consumption would be the best way to reduce the environmental impact on the planet. The use of agricultural land could even be reduced by 75%.

How many vegan food orders does iFood receive?

Only on iFood, more than 600 thousand orders for vegan food were delivered between January and August 2022. In 2021, more than 1 million orders were carried out across the country by 1,700 exclusively vegan or vegetarian restaurants registered with platform.

São Paulo is the state with the most requests of this type, and the capital of São Paulo is also in first place in the ranking of those that request the most vegan and vegetarian foods.

What are the most popular vegan foods?

It depends. If we take into account the order categories, the champions are vegetarian/vegan burgers, sandwiches and desserts (such as cakes, pies and sweets). But there is also space for Japanese food and even vegan feijoada.

The most popular foods are fries, falafel, brownies — and jackfruit drumsticks (that's right). Behind them in this ranking are feijoada, chocolate cake, vegan two baião, beirute, cookies and, finally, dishes with vegan chicken or meat.

Which cities ask for vegan food the most?

Those who like to order vegan food on iFood generally live in São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. These capitals are the cities where the largest number of orders are placed. Then come Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre and Curitiba.

And the cities that have the most vegan/vegetarian restaurants registered on iFood are, in descending order: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Florianópolis, Brasília and Belo Horizonte.

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