Start Tech wants to spark young people’s interest in technology

New School project in partnership with iFood offers tech knowledge to underrepresented young people in the area

Many young people dream of being athletes or graduating in traditional areas such as Medicine, Administration and Law. But what about a career in technology? To inspire students and show what the job options are in the area, iFood partnered with New School and launched, in November, the Start Tech project.

New School is a social startup and was founded by João Paulo Malara, known as Jotapê. Its mission is to provide free, quality education to young people on the periphery. When downloading the application, the platform brings short educational videos, lasting five to ten minutes, for students. 

This way, they can watch the videos on their cell phones, in a dynamic format — a format that aims to bring these young people closer to topics relevant to their development.

Broken language

The Start Tech project brings five videos about the technology area and the opportunities it offers, in a language that “talks” to young people.

“It works as a kind of digital literacy”, says Francine Corrado, Project Manager at Potência Tech. “We want to spark the interest of these young people in pursuing careers in technology.”

Start Tech can be accessed through the New School app and was announced on Tech Power, which was launched in October 2021 to support the training of professionals in the technology field with courses, scholarships and job vacancies.

Potência Tech has a partnership with 18 schools that offer training in programming focused on the most demanded specialties in the market, such as back-end, front-end, full-stack and data science.

In one year of existence, the program awarded 17 thousand scholarships and trained almost a thousand people, of which 96% were from underrepresented groups in the technology area.

Bridge with talents

By being “linked” to the Potência Tech platform, the Start Tech project forms yet another bridge with potential talents for the technology area who generally have little access to opportunities in the area.

Initiatives like this are linked to iFood's education commitment to form 25 thousand people from underrepresented populations in the technology field, helping to reduce the risk of technological blackout in Brazil.

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