Bruno Montejorge, from iFood: We have become an essential service in the pandemic

O iFood serves around 14 million people, in 1,200 Brazilian cities, through 270,000 partner restaurants and 5,000 supermarkets and stores. How does the brand try to anticipate consumer needs and ensure that the entire ecosystem operates in a sustainable manner?
To talk about the topic, the Media and Marketing program talks to Bruno Montejorge, branding and communications director at iFood. Montejorge also talks about the company's performance during the pandemic — check out the full interview in the video above.
“We stopped being a convenience service and became an essential service for people. We transformed the way we operate, taking care of the entire ecosystem, which involves customers, restaurants, delivery people, employees, redefining priorities, in a scenario that has no manual”, he states (from 1:12 onwards).
“The habit of using technology associated with deliveries is here to stay. But is the home office here to stay or not? We see a materialization of flexibility, which is a need for society and is being incorporated into the corporate world, with practicality and convenience”, he says (from 5:53 onwards).
And to work with the consumer at the center of everything, Bruno says that the company has invested a lot in a consumer experience (CX) area, which today already has almost 3 thousand people involved in the topic.
“When something goes wrong, we have to recognize it and act as quickly as possible. There is a relationship of interdependence in the entire ecosystem. If the customer is dissatisfied with the delivery people, they are dissatisfied with iFood. If he is dissatisfied with the restaurant, he is dissatisfied with iFood. And if he is dissatisfied with iFood, he is dissatisfied with them too”, he states (from 22:12).
Bruno also tells part of the story of the creation of iFood, which was born from a printed catalog of menus and catalogs.
“We were a large telemarketing center, which received orders, forwarded the order by fax to the restaurants and contacted the delivery people by radio”, he says (from 15:13).


Article originally published in Uol Notícias – Latest News/São Paulo.
Airing date: 09/17/2021 at 12:16 pm.

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