iFood Benefits campaign becomes a job vacancy

iFood's meal voucher and/or food voucher benefits area, iFood Benefícios, launched its first advertising campaign. The “One smile pulls another” campaign is part of the development of its recently released positioning, “iFood Benefits. It benefits everyone.” The company's aim is driven by the new KPI of large global companies: the happiness index of its employees.

Published on LinkedIn, in the campaign the company announced on the network that iFood had created a special department, the Sorriso Department, with the manager being actress Luana Xavier, head of comedian Rafael Portugal, her assistant. In the first moment of the campaign, the objective was to impact HR managers, company employees, markets and restaurants.

However, the repercussion of the action led the company to decide to open vacancies for this department, where the candidate joins the iFood Benefícios team. The vacancies announced by iFood require professionals to be good at making people smile. The company's intention is for the benefits area to bring smiles to its employees through the app and their benefits card.

The campaign began running on the company's LinkedIn and Instagram, but on September 15th, it extended to platforms such as YouTube, and also went to open TV.

Article originally published in Medium & Message.
Airing date: 09/16/2021 at 6:53 pm.

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