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President of iFood will do live on "Disruptive innovation and ambidextrous culture"

This Tuesday, August 3rd, at 7pm, Fabricio Bloisi, president of iFood, will lead the first live on his profile @fabriciobloisi, on Instagram.

To talk about the topic “Disruptive innovation and ambidextrous culture” , the executive invited Breno Masi, president of Afterverse and co-founder of PlayKids, a learning and entertainment platform for children and also the game PK XD.

“Ambidextrous organizations combine disciplined leadership, which achieves efficiency and cost cutting, with creative leaders, who always think beyond”, states Bloisi.

And to get closer to consumers and entrepreneurs, the iFood CEO will be more present on social media. He already has around 90 thousand followers on LinkedIn and wants to expand his presence in other media.

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