In a carnival rhythm, iFood invites Carlinhos Brown to perform a hit song from the summer festivities

The song and the challenge are now available on iFood's social networks, and afterwards, the hit will be made available on radio stations throughout Brazil and on Spotify, along with the music video for the official summer 2023 hit, recorded in Salvador.

Brazil's favorite delivery will stick like gum at your carnival. In an unprecedented partnership, Brazilian iFood teamed up with Bahian advertiser Nizan Guanaes and Bahian singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Carlinhos Brown to release the hit 'Tá de Rango'. The song is part of the brand's official sponsorship of the summer festivities and is available on Spotify and also on the iFood pages on TikTok and Instagram, in addition to being played by the main carnival groups in Salvador, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Despite its foreign name, IFood is a Brazilian technology company that has become a great example for the world and is very proud of its Brazilianness.

Read the full article published by: City Marketing

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