Encceja 2022: iFood offers a course for delivery drivers; those enrolled in the exam complete high school

Registration for Encceja begins today (24) and runs until June 4; program is a Brazilian foodtech initiative to prepare any delivery partner who has not completed elementary school and/or high school 

Source: iFood News 

São Paulo, May 2022 – Registration for the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (Encceja) will be open free of charge between today, May 24th, until June 4th. Given the Brazilian scenario, in which 51.2% of people – more than half of the adult population – did not complete high school (PNAD data), iFood in partnership with Termine Seu Estudos (TE) provides the My High School Diploma, a free, online 100% exam preparation program for the more than 200,000 couriers registered on the platform, with unlimited places.

“iFood cares about the development of its delivery partners, which is why it promotes actions to support the development of these professionals. We believe that education is the key to progress. We want to generate opportunities for continued training, from basic education to the professions of the future. Having a high school certificate is essential for this journey”, explains iFood education project manager, Luanna Luna.

The program, which had its first stage of registration in December 2021, received 6,000 registrations to compete for the 2,000 scholarships available until then, and now offers unlimited places available to all delivery drivers over 18 years of age, without high school education, who sign up for site

“It’s never too late to start over,” says delivery driver Elaine, 55, who dreams of becoming a nurse.

One of the partners already benefiting from the program is Marcelo Andrade, 48 years old, resident of Rio de Janeiro. He says that the lack of formal education has already been missed in his professional life and completing his studies will be crucial to guaranteeing a better future:

“During my childhood, I had the opportunity to study until the sixth grade of primary school. As I came of age, I became a professional in the butchery sector and even became a small businessman, earning good money, but I didn't have time to study. Even though I know how to do simple calculations, I don't know how to manage, and that was a big factor in not being able to keep what I earned. I learned that joining is different from managing, and I want to get a high school diploma to get to higher education”, explains Marcelo Andrade.

After 30 years, Elaine Zulato decided to go back to school to complete high school. It was an old dream, but one that I had never taken off paper. She is currently 55 years old and has one great certainty: it is never too late to start over. Mother of two graduated children, Elaine works as a delivery girl in the capital city of São Paulo and studies to graduate with the help of the Meu Diploma do Ensino Médio program, from iFood with Descomplica. “I can say that this is all very good news for me.” Her dream is to be a nurse.

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