Clarification: iFood does not have an account at Silicon Valley Bank

Company reinforces that it has no connection with a bank whose bankruptcy was declared in the United States

iFood does not have an account at Silicon Valley Bank, a financial institution whose bankruptcy was announced by United States authorities on Friday, March 10.

Soon after the announcement, they began to circulate on social media fake news about alleged links between some companies and Silicon Valley Bank, including iFood.

In light of the publication of this false news, iFood clarifies that it does not have an account with this bank and is not being financially impacted by its failure.

Since August 2022, iFood has been a company that has just one shareholder, Movile, a Brazilian investor founded by Bahian Fabricio Bloisi.  

In this ocasion, Movile acquired 33.3% of shares belonging to Just Eat Holding Limited and reached 100% of participation in iFood. The agreement provided for the payment of R$ 9.4 billion.

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