Gauchos create lunch boxes with cardboard and win the Ifood and Suzano challenge

Mudrá Planning de Embalagens, led by Farroupilha designer Cristiane Zeni and Porto Alegre advertiser Ricardo Sastre, won the Packaging of the Future Challenge, promoted by iFood and Suzano. The objective of the competition was to find more sustainable packaging for delivery. According to the companies promoting the challenge, the intention is for more establishments to have access to paper packaging produced from renewable raw materials and free from plastic to transport food in a practical, safe and sustainable way.
The packaging created by the gauchos resembles traditional aluminum lunch boxes in shape and size. The main change, in addition to the cardboard raw material, is the closure, as the designer explains:
— It is a solution that serves both printers and restaurants. Firstly because it is possible to produce it with common machinery, as it is a simple design; Then, because it is functional for restaurants because it doesn't require much assembly, it practically assembles itself. During operation, staff cannot spend more time assembling the packaging than the dish.
The prize for product innovation is R$ 10 thousand and another R$ 2 thousand for orders via iFood. For the entrepreneurial duo, the achievement seals the success of a business that was created at the beginning of this year, also taking advantage of the growing demand for packaging with alternative materials. Mudrá is focused on sustainability, but highlights that many companies are also looking for its services for reasons of adaptation due to the lack of raw materials and the high price of inputs.


Article originally published in Gaúchazh./Porto Alegre
Air date: 09/23/2021 at 11:23 am

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