iFood bets on technology to support delivery drivers and contribute to public safety

The company signed a cooperation agreement with the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro for the development and implementation of an API that quickly identifies delivery people who work with the platform 

The initiative seeks to support partner delivery drivers, and expansion in other states in the country is already being negotiated

São Paulo, August 17, 2022 – With the recent episodes involving fake delivery people, iFood teamed up with the Public Security Secretariat of São Paulo and the State Secretariat of Military Police of Rio de Janeiro to develop and implement an API – a technological solution capable of integrating with the public system and promote confirmations about delivery people who are registered and work together with iFood. Therefore, in police operations that the platform's partners may eventually be approached, the objective is to guarantee everyone's safety, quickly distinguishing the worker from the criminal and allowing our delivery drivers to be quickly released to return to work.

With this solution, there is no sharing of data, but it is possible, in a fully automated and updated way, to confirm, for example, the registration of those who are still active on the app and whether they are on a delivery route. 

In São Paulo the agreement is already active and, in Rio de Janeiro, with the signing this week, it should come into effect in the next few days. Other regions have already been mapped and are still in negotiations for expansion, including Ceará, Distrito Federal and Pernambuco.

“iFood is committed to real couriers, society and authorities to build an increasingly safer environment for everyone. iFood is favorable to the use of technology in the public security scenario, as it reduces bureaucracy in the process and provides a viable and completely updated solution for confirming partners and/or removing anyone who has bad intentions in pretending to be a serious worker. We need to guarantee the flexibility, autonomy and security of everyone who works on platforms” explains João Sabino, director of public policies at iFood.

iFood has been working on different fronts with the aim of improving the experience and bringing new solutions to delivery people, whether in security, as well as insurance, education projects, support points, operational improvements to the app, in addition to a broad listening project and transparency to listen and understand your needs and desires with the platform on a daily basis. “We know that there is a lot to be done, and by listening and talking we want to transform our relationship.relationship. We are committed and proactively seeking this – explains the logistics director, Claudia Storch.

More technology and security for real couriers

To guarantee the legitimacy of the data provided by delivery drivers during the registration stage on the platform, iFood maintains the process OCR check (technology that allows you to check whether the person in the photo is the same person in the document presented) It is the validation of all personal information provided by the partner through a public database consultation. 

Today, iFood carries out three analyzes for release on the platform so that there is no misuse of accounts. Periodically, facial recognition is also activated, a tool that acts as an additional security measure to prevent account renting and borrowing, in addition to protecting honest delivery people on the platform.

Delivery drivers like Aliandro Alves, from Ribeirão Preto, are working together with society for greater security and, at the Voz do Entregador event held in the city, the partner reinforced the importance of technologies, such as identity verification through facial recognition. 

– Facial recognition must continue, because it removes the wrong people from circulation who are trying to pass themselves off as workers on the app – explains the partner who has been on the iFood platform for 4 years.

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