iFood and CUFA come together to help victims of the rains in Bahia

In yet another action to help victims of the rains that have hit southern Bahia since the beginning of the month, iFood teamed up with Central Única das Favelas (CUFA). Donations can be made through the iFood application, both when completing an order and through the profile in the donations section. By January 3rd, 100% of these contributions will be delivered to CUFA, which will distribute in donations regionally.

“It is very important that a company the size of iFood pays attention to a humanitarian crisis, and helps us fight it. It’s a pleasure to have iFood with us”, said Preto Zezé, national president of CUFA.

This is the second iFood campaign for Bahia this month. Between the 11th and 18th of December, in a movement alongside Citizenship Action, R$538.5 thousand were raised – of this total, R$438.5 thousand are the result of donations made by customers through the iFood app and R$100 thousand were donated directly by the company – and which were converted into 100 tons of food.

“Technology has been an important ally in connecting people, institutions and donors, contributing socially. Two years ago we made this movement possible and used the application itself to add and multiply these actions. In situations like this in Bahia, it is urgent and essential that we mobilize and join forces, as in this action with Cufa and what we have already done with Ação Cidadania”, says Flávia Rosso, manager of iFood.

How to donate

iFood has a tool in its application to make donating even simpler and consolidate people's contributions in a super easy and reliable way. In the cart, before completing the order, with one click in the app, the customer can contribute to partner NGOs, with donations starting at R$1.

The initiative uses technology and inovation to provide partner non-governmental organizations with extremely high revenue potential. The main causes supported by iFood donation campaigns are: food security, education and the environment. The other main way of donating through the iFood app is through the “Customer Profile”, in the “Donations” section, where it is possible to choose one of the entities to support with the amount the customer wants. Follow the step-by-step guide on how to donate here.

About iFood

iFood, a reference in online food delivery in Latin America, has 60 million monthly orders. Having been on the market for ten years, the Brazilian company is also present in Colombia. It works together with partners with initiatives that bring together business intelligence and management solutions for the approximately 270 thousand restaurants registered in more than a thousand cities throughout Brazil. iFood has important investors, such as Movile, a global leader in mobile marketplaces, and Just Eat, one of the largest online ordering companies in the world. iFood News was recently launched, an iFood news portal that promotes current topics such as the New Economy and content about business curiosities, partners' success stories in addition to addressing trends and innovation in the segment.

For more information:

iFood News Portal
It is Instagram iFood News

Other contacts:
Press | Ágora Comunica Agency
Email: ifood@agoracomunica.com.br or press@ifood.com.br

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