iFood and Tinder create in-app store and play with 'taking cake' on Singles' Day

Tinder bakery stays on the delivery app to sell bento cakes until August 19

iFood and Tinder came together during the week of Singles' Day, celebrated this Monday (15th) to create the Tinder Confectionery. So people can “take a cake” until August 19th with this temporary restaurant available on the delivery app.

The action with bento cakes, Instagrammable cakes that carry funny messages and memes, plays on the traditional expression of when someone has a canceled appointment.

Anyone who buys the sweet for R$ 9.99, with options in the Ninho milk or brigadeiro flavor, also gets a Tinder Gold subscription, with extra access to the flirting app. Cakes can be personalized with phrases such as “Just like the cake I like”, “This is the cake I want”, “From: me, To: me” and “Send the cake now?”.

Read the full article originally published by Folha de São Paulo – Link

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