iFood strengthens its Brazilianness with support for June festivities

Company sponsors São João de Caruaru and iFood Arraial Estrelado (SP), reinforcing its commitment to its roots and Brazilian culture

São Paulo, May 24, 2023 – Nothing is more Brazilian than the traditional June festivals and to further reinforce its roots, iFood, a Brazilian technology company, will be present on this special date with the sponsorship of the traditional São João de Caruaru, in Pernambuco, and assumed the naming of the iFood Arraial Estrelado 2023 event, in São Paulo. 

“iFood was born in Brazil and as good Brazilians we know the importance that the June festivals have for people and our culture. For iFood, supporting these moments helps to reinforce the company's Brazilianness and its roots. Furthermore, when we think about São João, typical foods are a reference and iFood is an expert on this topic”, says Ana Gabriela Lopes, marketing director at iFood. “At this time, we will also strengthen one of our great passions: connecting people, unique experiences and good food.”

São João de Caruaru, in Pernambuco, is one of the most traditional festivals in our country and this year will last 65 days, starting at Polo São João in Roça, until the opening of the long-awaited Pátio de Eventos Luiz Gonzaga, which will be at June 3rd and runs until July. Artists such as Ivete Sangalo, Aline Barros, Simone Mendes, Bell Marques, Luan Santana, Gusttavo Lima, Joelma, among many others, will be welcomed on this stage. 

At iFood Arraial Estrelado 2023, party-goers will find an event full of spaces reminiscent of the most traditional June festivals, such as stalls with food and games. The festival takes place throughout the month of July, in São Paulo, and will feature the participation of big names in Brazilian music such as Elba Ramalho, Luan Santana, Bruno and Marrone, Alceu Valença, Wesley Safadão, Hugo & Guilherme, Falamansa, Ícaro and Gilmar , Zé Neto and Cristiano, Clayton and Romário, Zezé Di Camargo, DDP and Turma do Pagode. Just like São João de Caruaru, iFood Arraial Estrelado will feature exclusive brand spaces such as areas with typical food stalls in Vila iFood, with several restaurants that will guarantee Brazilians' favorite dishes. 

iFood has been investing in actions that reinforce its origins, with sponsorships that celebrate important and traditional moments in the country. In 2023, the Brazilian technology company sponsored carnival blocks in São Paulo, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro and is also one of the sponsors of the Brazilian Music Award. At the end of last year, the company supported the Brazilian edition of Rock in Rio for the first time and sponsored events that supported Brazilian fans during the football world cup. “Our goal is, in addition to strengthening the Brazilianness of the brand, to connect people the way Brazilians like, with parties, music and food. Being present at São João meets the purpose of being increasingly closer to our country and public”, reiterates Ana Gabriela.

About iFood

iFood is a Brazilian technology company that brings customers, restaurants and delivery people together in a simple and practical way. iFood aims to feed the future of Brazil and the world, transforming society through education and technology, food security, inclusion and with a positive socio-environmental impact.

With more than 70 million monthly orders, iFood works with business intelligence and management solutions to promote and develop an ecosystem of more than 300,000 registered establishments, 200,000 connected delivery people in more than 1,700 cities across Brazil. Having been in the market for 11 years, the company goes beyond food delivery and is also growing in Market, Fintech and Benefits businesses, combining technology and convenience in delivering solutions to partners. iFood has an important Brazilian investor, Movile.

For more information about iFood, its news and our hunger to feed the world, visit iFood News.


press@ifood.com.br / ifood@brodeur.com.br 

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