Yellow May: iFood launches educational campaign and events for the safety of delivery people in traffic

Campaign to raise awareness about traffic safety focuses on traffic behavior and will have face-to-face actions from north to south of the country

In addition to educational videos, iFood prepares events with information on insurance coverage for delivery drivers, education programs and activities that will feature simulations of emergency situations

Throughout the month of May, iFood promotes educational actions and campaigns so that the platform's delivery partners can have more information about the attitudes that will guarantee their safety on the road. With the aim of further valuing the platform's delivery partners and promoting safer transit, during Yellow May, the foodtech It also prepares activations involving good examples of positive attitudes of delivery people in traffic, as well as events in different regions of the country to present the advantages of being a delivery person through iFood and simulations of emergency situations in traffic and tips on how to avoid them.

In the first weeks of the month, the foodtech begins an educational campaign focused on raising awareness about traffic behavior and will address the themes 'Kindness and citizenship in traffic', 'Care and maintenance of your vehicle', 'Physical and emotional conditions', 'Risk situations' and 'Accident in Traffic' in order to raise awareness about the importance of delivery drivers in traffic safety in cities. New editions of the Helmet Angels in Salvador (BA) and Campinas (SP), an iFood program carried out in partnership with several city halls in the country and SAMU, whose objective is to provide information and tips on road safety, in addition to teaching delivery people basic first-aid skills that can help victims in traffic. 

Based on good attitudes by iFood couriers in São Paulo traffic, foodtech will produce a video showing how these traffic education actions contribute to greater safety for couriers and everyone traveling through the cities.

“For iFood, delivery partners need to have safe conditions that allow them to generate income to guarantee their own livelihood, prosper and realize their dreams”, says Claudia Storch, Logistics Director at iFood.

At the end of the month, iFood also promotes face-to-face events in partnerships with the city councils of Recife (PE), Curitiba (PR), São Paulo (SP) and Brasília (DF) that will provide information about traffic behaviors through activities with the delivery men. Registered partners will be able to visit the stands for information on all the coverage offered in the insurance they have when being iFood deliverers and information on the platform's education incentive programs, in addition to setting up the Knowledge Stand - in which the motorcyclist can have the simulated experience.

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