NOTE | iFood and Flow: no to racism, yes to dialogue

There is no longer a commercial relationship between iFood and Flow; but the note shows the importance of dialogue, despite differences

iFood and Flow: no to racism, yes to dialogue
There is no longer a commercial relationship between the companies; but the note shows the importance of dialogue, despite differences

In recent days, we – iFood, the Flow podcast and the podcaster Monark, who signed this note together – were protagonists of an event that tended to draw us into the toxic reality of intolerance that, unfortunately, has been incorporated into our daily lives.

On October 29, a post by Monark on Twitter sparked controversy by raising a debate about the limits of freedom of expression that allowed an unfortunate interpretation of racism.

For both iFood and Flow, prejudiced acts are unacceptable. Racism is a crime. Freedom of expression should never exceed the limits of the law.

Philosophical questions about such limits are legitimate and must exist. After all, in any society, there is a plurality of individuals outlining, based on their experiences, unique views of the world. Defining and respecting common limits is what will allow us to evolve and live in harmony.

Both companies defend, in the construction of a fairer and less unequal society, the power and importance of dialogue. We agree that communication on both sides failed to achieve this objective.

The parties, however, did not shy away from maintaining this dialogue. The company identified that it could have been clearer in its communication; Monark, in turn, categorically stated that he does not support racism, nor any type of discrimination based on his appearance, beliefs or his own vision as an individual.

iFood and Flow will maintain interaction, despite the definitive decision to end sponsorship. We believe this is how both companies can mutually learn from their experiences.

By signing this note together, iFood and Flow signal to Brazil: We need dialogue. We need to listen to the other side, learn from it, seek to walk together as a nation that learns and becomes better with differences. The cancel culture and polarization of social networks can give way to listening with respect, dialogue, and advancing issues such as anti-racism. We believe that with more dialogue we will all move faster towards a more equal society full of opportunities.

Finally, we leave a reference to Article 1 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, written in 1948: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Endowed with reason and conscience, they must act towards each other in a spirit of fraternity”.

We will continue working to reduce inequalities and always in favor of plurality, dialogue and transparency.

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