1.1 – Mandatory Company:
Address: BENTO DE ANDRADE Number: 660 Complement: SALA B Neighborhood: JARDIM PAULISTA Municipality:
SAO PAULO UF: SP CEP:04503-001
CNPJ/MF nº: 22.014.273/0001-28

1.2 – Members:
Number: 1,496 Neighborhood: VILA YARA Municipality: OSASCO UF: SP CEP:06020-902
CNPJ/MF nº:14.380.200/0001-21


The entire national territory.

08/18/2022 to 08/30/2022

08/18/2022 to 08/29/2022

This Regulation, which aims to determine the rules for the Free Distribution of Prizes as Advertising in the competition modality, was written in accordance with Law 5678/71, Decree 70951/72 and Ordinance 41/2008 of the Ministry of Finance. Its execution will take place in strict compliance with the rules established here.

All natural persons, resident and domiciled in national territory, may participate in this competition, as long as they are aged 18 (eighteen) years or over, have a valid account on the TikTok social network and meet all the requirements of these Regulations.

The Promoter may request, at any time, the necessary documents proving the Participant’s eligibility.

Promotion Mechanics: the interested party must, during the period of participation in the promotion, record a video lasting up to 3 (three) minutes with a reinterpretation of the iFood sound signature and publish it on Tik Tok, in their personal account, tagging the iFood profile: @ifoodbrasil and including the hashtag #VoudeVip

The videos will be submitted to a Judging Panel elected by iFood, where the following will be analyzed



suitability for the theme

Each interested party can participate as many times as they wish, as long as they are different content, posted separately and that they all have the corresponding hashtag and that it complies with the promotion regulations. However, you must participate with a single Tik Tok account. Each participant may be awarded only 1 (one) time in the promotion, with only the first winning entry being considered. If, after investigation, the Promoter company finds that more than one personal Tik Tok account belongs to the same person, the second participation will be disqualified.

In order for organizers to be able to correctly evaluate participation, it is essential that the participant meets the following requirements related to the Tik Tok platform:

Follow all Tik Tok policies and terms of use, such as, for example, respecting third-party copyrights (e.g. not using images or music for which the participant does not have authorization from the owner to do so), as well as the rules for posting videos.

The “private account” option on the participant’s profile must be deactivated until the prizes are actually delivered.

The participant may only use a personal account. Business accounts will not be able to participate.

Fake accounts/profiles and/or those belonging to non-personified legal entities may not be used. To verify this condition, the Promoter may analyze, at its sole and exclusive discretion, the Participant's profile and their latest posts.

Internet users will be able to post as many videos as they wish and all will be evaluated. Participants are solely responsible for the posts and data entered into their Tik Tok account, so they must respect the policy of the platform in question, as well as the ethical and moral conduct of society.

The videos may feature extras. However, only the owner of the Tik Tok profile/account who posted the video will be awarded a pair of tickets to the VIP area of the Rock in Rio Brasil 2022 Festival (if they are one of the 30 winners of the contest).

It is determined that, once the content that gave rise to their participation has been posted, the participant will not be able to delete it, under penalty of disqualification if they are one of the winners.

The Judging panel will analyze the participating videos daily and, on 08/26/2022, at 6 pm, will publish the list of the top 3 (three) winners in the ranking of best videos, through an unappealable and sovereign decision, the award for which is described below.

The selection process will continue until 08/29/2022 to choose the next twelve recipients, whose selection will take place on 08/30/2022, at 6 pm.

Prize: in total, 15 (fifteen) pairs of tickets will be made available for the VIP Area of the ROCK IN RIO BRASIL 2022 event, taking place in the city of Rio de Janeiro on the dates below (one pair of tickets for the VIP Area for the event, per recipient).

Winners will not be able to choose or change the show days of the ticket received, which will be
distributed according to the following order:

Friday 02/09 Iron Maden 2 Contemplated 1 – a pair of tickets
Saturday 03/09 Post Malone 2 Contemplado 2 – a pair of tickets
Sunday 04/09 Justin Bieber 2 Contemplated 3 – a pair of tickets
Thursday 09/08 Guns n Roses 18 Winners 4 to 12 – a pair of tickets for each winner
Friday 09/09 Green Day 2 Contemplated 13 – a pair of tickets
Saturday 10/09 Coldplay 2 Awarded 14 – a pair of tickets
Sunday 11/09 Dua Lipa 2 Awarded 15 – a pair of tickets
Total of 15 pairs of tickets: Unit value of R$2,800.00 (two thousand and eight hundred reais) for each ticket, totaling the value of R$5,600.00 (five thousand and six hundred reais) for the pair of tickets.
Total prize value: R$84,000.00 (eighty-four thousand reais)

By adding the video to a social network, the participant agrees to the dissemination of these videos on social networks and in the advertising materials of the agent, member and/or third parties authorized by them for a period of one year, counting from the verification. For additional clarifications, please email: vipnorockinrio@ifood.com.br.

The recipients must, at their own expense, provide all means of transportation and access to the event venue, including, but not limited to, transportation, accommodation, purchase of drinks, food and objects for sale, provided that the Promoting Companies and Member will not provide or subsidize any amount in this regard.


COLLECTION PERIOD: 08/26/2022 2:00 pm to 08/26/2022 5:55 pm
COLLECTION PARTICIPATION PERIOD: 08/18/2022 00:01 to 08/25/2022 23:59
MUNICIPALITY: Osasco UF: SP CEP: 06020-012
COLLECTION LOCATION: at the headquarters of the participating company iFood


COLLECTION PERIOD: 08/30/2022 14:00 to 08/30/2022 17:55
COLLECTION PARTICIPATION PERIOD: 08/18/2022 00:01 to 08/29/2022 23:59
MUNICIPALITY: Osasco UF: SP CEP: 06020-012
COLLECTION LOCATION: at the headquarters of the participating company iFood



The results of the competition for the first 3 winners will be determined between 2:00 pm on 26/08/2022 and 5:55 pm on 26/08/2022, at the headquarters of the participating company iFood, AV DOS AUTONOMISTAS, 1496 – OSASCO, SP, and its result will be published on social media and on the website of the Mandatory Promoter and Adherent company at 6:00 pm on 08/26/2022.

The determination of the results of the competition for the following 12 winners will be carried out between 2:00 pm on 08/30/2022 and 5:55 pm on 08/30/2022, at the headquarters of the participating company iFood, AV DOS AUTONOMISTAS, 1496 – OSASCO , SP, and its result will be published on social media and on the website of the Mandatory Promoter and Adherent company at 6:00 pm on 08/30/2022.

All content posted by Participants, as long as they are accepted in accordance with these Regulations, will be subject to analysis by a Judging Committee.

On the dates established above, during business hours, and, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved, the calculation will be carried out remotely through a virtual meeting of the Judging Committee.

The Judging Committee will be made up of professionals from the Promoter or other people appointed by it for this role, with the decision of this Judging Committee being sovereign, irrevocable and unappealable.

The parameters that will be used by the professionals who will carry out the investigation of the videos will be those of creativity, originality and suitability to the theme.

The Judging Committee will evaluate and judge the content submitted by the participants and will choose the 15 (fifteen) best.

In the event that any participant is disqualified or loses the right to receive the prize for any reason, the Promoter may replace them in accordance with the order of classification in the competition.

The promoting company will not be responsible for the content of the entries and reserves the right to disqualify, at any time, at its sole discretion and without being obliged to justify the reason for the refusal, participants whose registered entries do not meet the conditions set out in these Regulations, such as, but not exclusively: a) “are identical or significantly similar and analogous and/or that in any way can be interpreted as a copy or reproduction, total or partial or in any way cast doubt on their authorship; b) contain inappropriate content or
offensive, or that contain any type of obscene or profane situation, image or word, malicious, sexual and/or pornographic connotation, slander, defamation and insults, threats, offenses, of a violent, illicit, offensive or immoral nature, discriminatory against of any nature, offensive to freedom of beliefs and religions, which contain subliminal data (messages, information, images) or which constitute or could constitute a crime (or criminal misdemeanor) or which could be understood as an incitement to commit crimes (or criminal misdemeanor ); c) that put people’s health and safety at risk; d) that have the intention of promoting third party products or services or any commercial purpose; e) who carry out electoral propaganda or disseminate an opinion in favor of or against a party or candidate; f) that infringe or misuse the copyrights, intellectual property and/or brands of third parties, including the brands of the promoting company and adherents; g)
that may cause material and/or moral damage to third parties, or that are in any way contrary to the purpose of this promotion.

Participations must not contain images of other brands and/or products that are not those of the promoting companies (representative and Member), as well as of the Rock in Rio Brasil 2022 event, of which the member is a supporter, under penalty of disqualification. Entries that contain different brands or products such as characters, clothing brands, products, among others, will be evaluated and may be disqualified at the discretion of the promoting company.

Verification by the promoter of a competitor's correct participation may be carried out at any time during the promotion, including by requesting personal documents that correspond to the Tik Tok profile/account used. Entries suspected of fraud may be disqualified.

According to the sole paragraph, article 46, of Ordinance 41/2008, the participant will be responsible for providing the elements that prove their identity, as well as demonstrating compliance with all the conditions set out in the Promotion Regulations. The winner must meet all the requirements of the full Promotion Regulations to receive their prize. It is strictly prohibited to use practices that could be considered irregular, unfair or that go against the objectives of this promotion, such as, for example, the use of automated means of participation, in which cases, when identified, the participant will be excluded from the promotion. .

Employees of the promoting and participating company, as well as suppliers hired to organize the promotion and who are directly involved with the competition, will not be able to participate in the promotion.

Participants will be automatically excluded from the promotion in case of proven fraud, and may also be liable for the crime of ideological or documentary falsification. Participants, by adhering to the rules of this competition, declare that they are the copyright holders of the videos presented and pass on to the Promoter, participant and/or third parties authorized by it the right to use them for advertising purposes, free of charge, for the period 1 (one) year, counting from the assessment.

Each winner will be announced after the calculation and communicated about their award through publicity on the social networks of the participant and the Promoter at 6:00 pm on 08/26/2022.

The promoting company is also obliged to contact the winners by telephone to collect their respective prize within a period of up to 30 (thirty) days from the date of selection.

The names of the winners will only be partially disclosed, accompanied by some other data (such as the latest CPF numbers) to maintain the confidentiality of the data, but in a way that can be easily identified and will be available on the promoter's website and member for at least 5 (five) calendar days. The names of the winners will only be announced after they are approved by the Promoter company as actual winners, after all documents requested to validate the award have been submitted and approved.

Communication with the winners will take place through Tik Tok's “message” function, and the winner must respond to the promoter's messages, within a maximum period of 2 (two) business days, counting from the first day of contact, under penalty of disqualification , so that your status as winner can be validated and the data necessary to deliver the prize can be pasted.

The prize will be delivered free of charge to each recipient and cannot be converted and/or distributed, in whole or in part, in cash. The prize will be awarded according to the date(s) and time(s) previously announced by the Promoter. Winners must sign the prize delivery receipt and provide a copy of a personal document with photo and CPF.

Due to the nature of the “ticket” award, it will be made available in digital form, to the recipient, using a code, voucher or similar, to be exchanged for a pair of digital tickets, as per instructions sent in due course by the Promoter, with which they will be able to attend the event and enter the Rock in Rio Brasil 2022 Festival in the usual way, clarifying that the exchange of the code, voucher or similar for the Festival's digital tickets will not be done physically. The code, voucher or similar guarantees the path to access the digital ticket.

In the event that the recipient is incapable, the rules for delivering the prize and signing the prize delivery receipt will be those of the current Civil Code. This situation does not extend to the case of minors under 18 (eighteen) years of age, see provision in item 6 of these Regulations.
In the event that the contemplated participant dies after the publication of the names of the contemplated participants or during the award delivery phase, the prize will be delivered to his estate, in the person of his executor or to their respective heirs (if there is no inventory process), in accordance with current legislation, which must prove this condition. The participant who will be awarded expressly acknowledges and accepts that Rock World SA cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss arising from participation in this Promotion or from any acceptance or refusal of the prize.

Participation in this Campaign implies full acceptance of all items of these Regulations, which may be changed, at the sole discretion of the Producers, subject to prior authorization from SEAE/ME.

The conversion of prizes into cash is prohibited in accordance with Art. 15 – Paragraph 5 of Decree 70951/72, and they cannot be exchanged for another product.

Doubts and controversies arising from complaints from participants in authorized promotions must be preliminarily resolved by their respective organizers and subsequently submitted to SEAE/ME, when the participant does not opt for a direct complaint to the public bodies that are part of the National Consumer Protection System. .

Products prohibited by Article 10 of Decree 70,951/72, namely: medicines, weapons and ammunition, explosives, fireworks or explosions, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and their derivatives, will not be products of this promotion.

For additional clarifications, you can consult the promoter's website https://news.ifood.com.br/vipnorockinrio or by email: vipnorockinrio@ifood.com.br.

Tik Tok is a mere means of participating in this promotion, which is not sponsored, administered or carried out in association with the company that owns the social media.

Rock World S/A, the company responsible for the promotion, production and execution of the Rock in Rio Brasil 2022 Festival, which will take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Park, on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th , 9, 10 and 11 September 2022, does not have any type of responsibility for this Promotion, being certain that all rights and obligations set forth herein are binding only on the Promoters and their participants or eventual successors;

The contemplated participants, their companions or, if applicable, their successors are aware and agree that they are obliged to comply with the terms and conditions for the use of tickets at the said festival, as well as the rules for access and stay at the event location (City do Rock), which are made available by the organization of the aforementioned Festival on its respective website (www.rockinrio.com).

If the recipient's companion (if any) is a minor, they must present authorization from their legal guardians.

Without prejudice to the above, the participant is aware that the age classification of the event is 16 (sixteen) years old. The entry of minors under 16 (sixteen) years of age will be permitted as long as they are accompanied by their parents or legal guardians (ascendants or collaterals up to the 4th degree), who must submit the accompanying person's term of responsibility, available in the link “information about minors”, on Rock In Rio Brasil 2022 shopping website, or register it at the Information Point and
remain at the festival site while the minor is present. This determination, as well as the age classification, is subject to change under the terms of the permit to be issued by the Court of Law of the Childhood, Youth and Elderly Court, in the author of process no. parents and guardians that it is not recommended that children under 5 (five) years of age remain at the event after 10pm, even if they are accompanied,
being subject to inspection by the competent authorities.

If the eligible participant is unable to participate and attend the Rock in Rio Brasil 2022 event, the prize will be distributed to the next participant who has adequately complied with the Promotion rules.

The forum of the participant's District is now elected to resolve any issues relating to the regulations of this promotion.

The prizes to be distributed are personal and are intended for the eligible participants, and their transfer or sale is prohibited before delivery under penalty of destruction, and the Promoter and Rock World SA are not responsible for any restrictions that the recipients may have in enjoying them. them. Ownership of the prize may only be transferred in the event provided for in the terms and conditions for using the ticket to the Rock in Rio Brasil 2022 Festival, which are made available by the organization of said festival on the website www.rockinrio.com.br.

The responsibility for anything that occurs when using the prize will be solely on the recipient, so that the representative, the participant and Rock World SA are exempt from any damages incurred.

Use of collected data:
When the Participant registers to participate in the Promotion, he or she must provide certain information, some of which may be personal information for the purposes of Brazilian law.

If the Participant does not provide this information, it will not be possible to participate in the promotion.

The Participant, by subscribing to the aforementioned promotion, agrees that the agent and the subscriber may collect, store, process, associate, share, use, disclose their information, including their personal data, and finally process personal data in accordance with their policy. of privacy.

The Representative and the subscriber may use the information collected at any time, including after the end of the Promotion, for the purposes listed in the Privacy Policy, including, but not limited to, the following purposes:
The. Participation in this promotion and verification of the regularity of registration data, allowing the award/gift to be awarded to
a winner and location for delivery of the prize/gift;
B. Carrying out controls to detect and prevent fraud;
w. Demographic analysis;
d. Offer of products, services and institutional material;
Specifically regarding Rock World SA, participants further authorize, acknowledge and accept that personal data and other information that may be requested, collected and processed by the Promoters may be used by Rock World SA and shared with third parties authorized by it, strictly for the necessary purposes of this Promotion, especially regarding tickets to eligible participants, observing the provisions of the Data Protection Law (LGPD)
– Law nº 13,709/2018.

The RECIPIENTS authorize the representative, adherent and/or third parties authorized by them to use their names and images, statements given, for a period of one year after the investigation, in full and on a universal and free basis, for the purposes of use and/or marketing, at any time, in Brazil and/or abroad, free of charge, for the internet, TV, printed media, including, but not limited to, billboards, bus doors, envelopes, point-of-sale material, among others, and may also , reduce, compress or edit it.

These Regulations will be posted on the promoter's and member's website and will be presented in a size and in writing that makes it possible for consumers participating in the commercial promotion to understand and view them.

The participant agrees, by the simple act of participating in the Campaign, that the Running companies, as well as their directors and employees, will not be responsible for any damage or loss arising from accepting the prize, as well as from their participation in the Campaign.

By participating in the Promotion, the participant confirms that all information provided is true.

Any consumer who meets the requirements stipulated in the authorized campaign regulations may participate in the promotion;

Prizes cannot be converted into cash;

Verification by electronic means is prohibited;

Prizes will be delivered within 30 days of the calculation/draw date, at no cost to the winners.

When the prize drawn, won in a contest or awarded through a gift certificate, is not claimed within one hundred and eighty (180) days, counting, respectively, from the date of the draw, the determination of the contest result or the end of the period of the promotion, the respective holder's right will expire and the corresponding amount will be collected, by the authorized company, to the National Treasury, as Union income, within forty-five (45) days;

In the case of promotions with the participation of minors, if they are eligible, they must, at the time of awarding the prize, be represented by their legal guardian; with the exception of commercial promotions carried out by a broadcasting service concessionaire or licensee, under the terms of article 1º-A, § 3º, of Law 5,768, of December 20, 1971;

The image of the recipients may be published up to one year after the commercial promotion has been determined;

Doubts and controversies arising from participants' complaints will first be resolved by the promoter, if they persist, they must be submitted to Secap/ME;

Local consumer protection bodies will receive duly substantiated complaints;
The accounting must be carried out within a maximum period of thirty days after the premiums prescription date, under penalty of non-compliance with the prize distribution plan;

The regulation must be posted in a place where it is highly visible and must be presented in a size and format that allows it to be understood and viewed by the consumer participating in the commercial promotion;

In addition to the terms above, commercial promotion must comply with the conditions set out in Law No. 5,768, of 1971, in Decree No. 70,951, of 1972, MF Ordinance No. 41, of 2008, MF Ordinance No. 67, of 2017, MF Ordinance No. 422 of 2013, Ordinance Seae/MF nº 88 of 2000, and in acts that complement them.

For the “Draw” and “Draw-like” modalities, the company must attach the List of Participants in the “Calculations” tab, containing names and lucky numbers distributed, after the end of each participation period and before the Lottery is extracted. The file must be in .csv format and each file can be up to 15MB in size.

Violation of the clauses of the Term of Responsibility and the Regulation constitutes non-compliance with the operation plan and gives rise to the penalties provided for in article 13 of Law no. 5,768, of 1971.

SEAE/ME – Economic Monitoring Secretariat, Law Firm
PROCESS No. 17377.004028/2022-64

Agent: AH EVENTOS E PRODUCOES CNPJ: 22.014.273/0001-28
City: SAO PAULO CEP: 04503-001 UF: SP
Modality: Competition
Promotion Period: 08/18/2022 to 08/30/2022
Coverage Area: The entire national territory.


SEAE/ME – Economic Monitoring Secretariat, Law Firm
PROCESS No. 17377.004028/2022-64
Total Prize Value: R$84,000.00

In view of what is established in § 1 of art. 1 of Law No. 5,768, of December 20, 1971, regulated by Decree No. 70,951, of August 9, 1972, and considering what determines letter i of item XII of article 27 of Law No. 10,683, of May 28, 2003, and what determines SEAE Ordinance no. , dated April 9, 2015, I CERTIFY that the promotion requested by the applicants identified above is authorized, in compliance with the approved operation plan, according to the specifications above.

From January 1, 2006, the applicant is responsible for paying income tax at source at the rate of 20% (twenty percent) based on the market value of the prizes, in accordance with art. 70, item I, paragraph b2, of Law No. 11,196, of November 26, 2005, except for the Gift Voucher and Gift Voucher-like modalities.

Brasilia DF


1st – a pair of tickets for 02/09:
Gabriel Alves. Watch the winning video here.

2nd – a pair of tickets for 09/03:
Danilo Tagami Leamari. Watch the video here.

3rd – a pair of tickets for 09/04:
Thaís Natalino. Watch the video here.

4th – a pair of tickets for 09/08:
Luigi Frare. Watch the video here.

5th – a pair of tickets for 09/08:
erikassr98. Watch the video here.

6th – a pair of tickets for 09/08:
jeanrocham. Watch the video here.

7th – a pair of tickets for 09/08:
Pedro sekeres. Watch the video here.

8th – a pair of tickets for 09/08:
Lucasuller. Watch the video here.

9th – a pair of tickets for 09/08:
Ianluz. Watch the video here.

10th – a pair of tickets for 09/08:
biancaemanuelle. Watch the video here.

11th – a pair of tickets for 09/08:
rafalecast. Watch the video here.

12th – a pair of tickets for 09/08:
kathielekaiser. Watch the video here.

13th – a pair of tickets for 09/09:
vailabruno. Watch the video here.

14th – a pair of tickets for 10/09:
taufiferreira. Watch the video here.

15th – a pair of tickets for 9/11:
Thewallyson. Watch the video here.

The 15th winner of the cultural competition was disqualified for not meeting the requirements of the regulations. The awards for that day will be cancelled.

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