Recicla Orla and iFood promote a cleaning effort on Copacabana beach, this Saturday

The action will include yoga classes, educational screening and chats with sustainability experts

Next Saturday, the 23rd, Recicla Orla – created in partnership between the startup Polen and the dealership Orla Rio, iFood, a leading foodtech in Latin America, and the Instituto Meros do Brasil – will carry out a cleaning effort on Copacabana beach. The action, which will begin at 8:30 am near the Atlântico Beach Lounge kiosk, aims to keep the beaches clean, educate and raise awareness in society about the impact of trash in the sea and the importance of changing behavior and attitudes. The most unusual objects collected will be exhibited by Orla Rio at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim during Rio+30.  

“It is very important that we carry out actions like this, always raising awareness and promoting environmental education, instructing the population on the correct disposal of waste, but also showing how important changing behavior is. And having the participation and support of companies and projects is very important, we increasingly need to join forces to raise awareness among the population. Three years ago, Orla Rio and Pólen created the Recicla Orla project and, with the iFood partnership, we reached 56 voluntary delivery points spread across the entire south zone. We all have a duty to take care of our beaches, especially during Carnival, when they become a major tourist attraction frequented by cariocas and tourists visiting the city”, he says. João Marcello Barreto, president of Orla Rio. 

“iFood, through its pillar of sustainability and environmental commitments, has one of its missions to educate society about the need and importance of recycling. Cleaning efforts cover this objective very well as they are carried out in such a way that people are directly impacted by how incorrect disposal harms the ecosystem and how the simple act of separating waste and throwing it in the correct place is essential”, he comments. André Borges, head of sustainability at iFood. 

The action is open to the public and will have several moments starting with a yoga class with teacher Larissa Afonso at 8:30 am, the opening and distribution of material for the collective effort at 9:30 am, educational waste sorting at 10:30 am. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn more about the importance of changing behavior and attitudes through chats and discussions with experts such as Aline Fernandes from Impacta consultancy, with experience in rethinking and implementing more sustainable attitudes, Arian Rayegani from Na Laje Designs with examples of recycling and Hugo Nunes from Meu Copo Eco with material reuse practices.

On January 1, 2022, right after New Year's Eve, the first edition of the collective effort carried out by iFood through the Recicla Orla project brought together 60 people and collected 9.6 tons of recyclable waste from Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ ).


Date: 04/23 (Saturday) 

Time: 8:30 am (yoga class), 9:30 am (collective opening); 10:30 am (educational screening); 11am (chat starts); 12pm (end of event); 

Location: Atlântico Beach Lounge – Av. Atlântica, near Duvivier Street, Copacabana.

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